Star Wars Ahsoka’s End Credits Are Hiding Secret Easter Eggs
There's much more to the end credits of Star Wars: Ahsoka than you think...

This Star Wars: Ahsoka article contains spoilers.
The first two episodes of Ahsoka had no shortage of easter eggs and references to other corners of the Star Wars galaxy. From nods to The Clone Wars and Knights of the Old Republic to bringing back several characters from Rebels as well as introducing concepts that go all the way back to the Legends continuity, the latest Disney+ series is an absolute feast for fans who love deep cut lore.
While showrunner Dave Filoni absolutely wears his Star Wars nerdery on his sleeve throughout these first two episodes — and Thrawn’s not even shown up yet!!! — one of the show’s very best easter eggs is not as immediately apparent unless you know where to look. And can read the runes that we initially mistook as Aurebesh, the standard in-universe alphabet of Star Wars, but that actually make up a new writing system unique to Ahsoka.
When the series rolls credits with that beautiful new theme from longtime Star Wars composer Kevin Kiner, you’re taken through what looks a lot like the ancient star maps that both the good guys and bad guys are searching for in the series. But for those who haven’t deciphered the runes, it’s unclear what’s written on these maps. Fortunately, one eagle-eyed Redditor has done the translation work for you, revealing how the credits references locations from Star Wars‘ past and, more excitingly, its potential future.
Check out the translated credits below:
There are a few locations of note in these maps, many of which we’ve visited in the movies and other TV series. There’s of course Coruscant, which we most recently saw under New Republic control in The Mandalorian season 3, as well as Corellia, Arcana, Lothal, and Seatos, which are all featured in the first two episodes of Ahsoka. We also get a few other Star Wars staples, such as Yavin, Mandalore, Cato Neimodia, and Duro. Agamar and Garel both appeared on Rebels, while Pasaana is the desert planet from The Rise of Skywalker.
Dathomir is referenced heavily in the first two episodes of Ahsoka as the home world of the Nightsisters, an ancient order of space witches who were massacred at the end of the Clone Wars, except for a few survivors who were able to escape, such as Lady Morgan Elsbeth. It’s implied that these witches actually originally hail from Peridia, the extragalactic region of space where Elsbeth believes Grand Admiral Thrawn is location. We’ll no doubt learn a lot more about the Nightsisters and their undoubtedly spooky part of space in the coming weeks.
Most intriguing is the inclusion of planets called Odyn, Ierne, and “?onna” (Reddit couldn’t figure out the first letter in the latter), which haven’t appeared in Star Wars before. It’s likely they are new locations that we’ll see later in the series. Odyn certainly sounds like it’s connected to villains Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati since all of these Star Wars names have real-world Norse roots.
There’s no doubt that Ahsoka‘s impending trip to Peridia will unlock even more locations we’ve never visited before. It’ll be very interesting to see if the end credit star maps reflect these new worlds as they’re introduced.
Star Wars: Ahsoka is streaming now on Disney+.