The Den of Geek Weekly Quiz! Sci-Fi Movie Monsters

Will you defeat the beast that is our Sci-Fi Movie Movies quiz?

Den of Geek Weekly Quiz - Sci-Fi Movie Monsters
Photo: Lucy Quintanilla

It’s over to quizmaster extraordinaire Chris Farnell to set this week’s Den of Geek weekly quiz. 12 pop culture questions, every Wednesday at 07:00 ET/12:00 BST. This time: movie monsters!

“Do we have the right to create life?” This is perhaps the oldest question in science fiction, closely followed by “What if that life then went on a killing spree?” and “Maybe that life is 600 feet tall with a massive spikey tail and can breathe lasers?” But science fiction also allows us to ask more important questions, such as, “Who is the real monster? Is it, in fact, Man?”

And the answer is, no, it’s that giant half-cyborg killer octopus that is terrorising downtown Tokyo, please, will somebody stop it?!

You will find many more questions about science fiction, and monsters, in the soon-to-be released The Ultimate Sci-Fi Movie Quiz Book, which contains 1,000 sci-fi movie questions on everything from alien planets to time travel to giant monsters. To celebrate, here are 12 questions to test your knowledge of all things that are objectively much more monstrous than Man.

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Sci-Fi Movie Monster Quiz

1: Who played the original monster-created-by-science in the first movie adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein?

A: Bela Lugosi
B: Boris Karloff
C: Charles Stanton Ogle
D: Christian Bale

2: Which movie was originally known as Star Beast?

A: Alien (1979)
B: The Thing (1981)
C: Predator (1987)
D: Species (1995)

3: In Godzilla (1954) what is the name of the first ship destroyed by Godzilla?

A: Kobayashi Maru
B: Hakudo Maru
C: Nippon Maru
D: Elko Maru

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4: What kind of sharks do they genetically modify in Deep Blue Sea (1999)?

A: Great Whites
B: Hammerheads
C: Macos
D: Tiger sharks

5: In The Thing (1982), what do the characters apply to blood samples to tell if they are from a human?

A: Extreme heat
B: Water
C: Litmus paper
D: Acid

6: Scott Beck and Adam Woods, the writing duo behind killer dinosaur movie 65 (2023), also co-wrote which other monster movie?

A: Attack the Block (2011)
B: The Mist (2007)
C: A Quiet Place (2018)
D: Morgan (2016)

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7: Which of these monsters was not on the board in The Cabin in the Woods (2011) sweepstake?

A: Snowman
B: Unicorn
C: Giant Woman
D: Sugarplum Fairy

8: In Colossal (2016), Gloria causes a kaiju to appear in Seoul whenever she walks through a:

A: Carpark
B: Rubbish dump
C: Playground
D: Dog walking park

9: How many legs does the giant octopus in It Came From Beneath the Sea (1954) have?

A: Six
B: Seven
C: Eight
D: Nine

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10: The Sumatran Rat Monkey is the vicious little critter that unleashes a zombie outbreak in the movie Braindead (1992). But a crate containing the creature is seen in which monster movie by the same director?

A: The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
B: King Kong (2005)
C: Cloverfield (2008)
D: Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

11: In Pacific Rim (2013), Becket and Mori fight giant monsters in which jaeger?

A: Solar Prophet
B: Gipsy Danger
C: Coyote Tango
D: Puma Real

12: At the climax of The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953), how does Dr Nesbit get high enough to shoot the Beast’s eye?

A: A helicopter
B: Riding a jeep off a cliff
C: A rollercoaster
D: A hot air balloon

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Correct answers: 1c, 2a, 3d, 4c, 5a, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9a, 10b, 11b, 12c

0-4 Not monstrously bad but you could do with a refresher

5-8 You know your sci-fi movie critters!

9-12 A Godzilla of a score!

The Ultimate Sci-Fi Movie Quiz Book is published by Studio Press on September 26.