The Den of Geek Weekly Quiz! Movie Time Machines

Do you know your Tenet from your Hot Tub Time Machine?

Photo: Lucy Quintanilla

The Den of Geek Weekly Quiz (12 original movie & TV questions, every Wednesday at 07:00 ET, 12:00 BST, a bit of fun) is proud to welcome guest quizmaster Chris Farnell. Take it away, Chris.

I’ve come from the future to give you a warning. A warning that soon The Ultimate Sci-Fi
Movie Quiz Book
will be available to buy. It will contain over 1,000 sci-fi movie questions
covering everything from alien planets to time travel to killer robots, and if you buy it will you
have a great time!

Unless of course, this plug came on too strong and inadvertently put you off buying it,
causing a time paradox of cataclysmic proportions… Ah.

You’d better answer these 12 time travelling trivia questions while I check for a solution
that doesn’t involve you killing your own grandfather.

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Sci-Fi Movie Time Travel

1. What sort of car does Marty McFly drive Back to the Future?

A: Ford Prefect
B: Volkswagen Beetle
C: DeLorean
D: Fiat X1/9

2. Which of these historical figures do not feature in Bill & Ted’s history report?

A: Queen Victoria
B: Socrates
C: Billy the Kid
D: Sigmund Freud

3. La Jetee inspired which time travel movie?

A: The Terminator
B: 12 Monkeys
C: Time Bandits
D: Time Cop

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4. In Hot Tub Time Machine (2010), what year does the eponymous time machine transport the characters to?

A: 1984
B: 1985
C: 1986
D: 1987

5. In Source Code (2011)Colter Stevens is sent back how many minutes before a bomb goes off?

A: Four
B: Six
C: Eight
D: Ten

6. How many Star Trek movies feature time travel?

A: One
B: Three
C: Four
D:  Six

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7. Which 19th century villain must HG Wells attempt to thwart in Time After Time?

A: Moriarty
B: Sweeny Todd
C: Jack the Ripper
D: John Wilkes Booth

8. What is the name of the time travelling police force in Time Cop?

A: Federal Bureau of Temporal Investigations
B: Time Enforcement Commission
C: Time Agency
D: Agency Against Anachronism

9. What year does The Terminator (1984) travel back from?

A: 1997
B: 2012
C: 2024
D: 2029

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10. In TENET (2020) what do they call the process that reverses entropy?

A: Intropy
B: Reversion
C: Inversion
D: Conversion

11. What are the inventors in Primer (2004) trying to make when they accidentally invent time travel?

A: Invent computer processor that doesn’t require cooling
B: Reduce an object’s weight with electromagnetism
C: Create a perpetual motion machine
D: Reverse engineer and cold fusion device

12. What is the name of the future crime lord who sends hitmen back in time to be murdered by themselves in Looper (2012)?

A: Rainmaker
B: Sun God
C: Mr Big
D: Gat Man

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Correct answers: 1c, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8b, 9d, 10c, 11b, 12a

0-4 Perhaps you should travel back in time and try that one again?

5-8 You know your time-travel movies, but there’s still room for improvement

9-12 Great Scott! You’re so smart you probably understood Tenet the first time around!

The Ultimate Sci-Fi Movie Quiz Book is published on September 26.