The Den of Geek Weekly Quiz! Movie Spaceships
Do you know your Nostromo from your Discovery One? Take our very tricky sci-fi movie spaceship quiz to find out.

Guest quizmaster Chris Farnell is back with more fiendish sci-fi movie questions for this week’s Den of Geek Quiz, which lands every Wednesday at 07:00 ET, 12:00 BST. Over to you, Chris.
We are all drawn to the science-fiction genre for different reasons. The philosophical questions about the nature of existence, the cutting satire on our current society and its insightful predictions about where it might lead us next, the increasingly relevant discussions of the role technology plays in our lives.
But mainly, it’s spaceships. Little spaceships that go “Pew! Pew!”, massive city sized spaceships, rockets, flying saucers, we’re not fussy. The point is: SPACESHIPS.
To celebrate the imminent release of The Ultimate Sci-Fi Movie Quiz Book, which contains 1,000 sci-fi movie questions on everything from alien planets to time travel to killer robots, here are 12 questions to test your knowledge of the only vehicles anybody should really care about…
Sci-Fi Movie Planets Quiz
1. Which of these characters has not appeared as a Captain of the starship Enterprise in the cinematically-released Star Trek movies?
A: Captain Picard
B: Captain Harriman
C: Captain Garrett
D: Captain Pike
2. In Pandorum (2009), crewmembers awaken from cryosleep to find their colony ship is…
A: Marooned in deep space.
B: At the bottom of an ocean.
C: In Hell.
D: A simulation.
3. In Wall-E (2008) the survivors of humanity live aboard a vast space cruise ship called The Axiom. What is an Axiom?
A: Something from a different time.
B: A model of perfection.
C: A typical example of something.
D: A statement accepted without question.
4. In the movie Starship Troopers (1997) the troop transport Rodger Young was named after an infantryman who died in which war?
A: World War II
B: World War I
C: American Civil War
D: American War of Independence
5. The spaceship Nostromo that picks up an unwelcome hitchhiker in Alien (1979) is named after a novel by which writer?
A: Henry Fielding
B: Joseph Conrad
C: H.P. Lovecraft
D: Herman Melville
6. In Passengers (2016), what is the name of the colony ship where Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence’s characters wake up early from their long nap?
A: Avalon
B: Camelot
C: Eldorado
D: Elysium
7. The spaceships Endurance in Interstellar (2013), Discovery in 2001: A Space Odyssey, Hermes in The Martian (2015) and Europa One in Europa Report (2013) all have which thing in common?
A: Hypersleep
B: Never leave the solar system
C: Centrifugal gravity
D: Faster-than-light travel
8. Which of these spaceships is intact at the end of their film?
A: Icarus II – Sunshine (2007)
B: Lewis & Clark – Event Horizon (1997)
C: Dark Star – Dark Star (1974)
D: The United Planets Cruiser C-57D – Forbidden Planet (1956)
9. Han Solo claims the Millennium Falcon can do the Kessel Run in under how many parsecs?
A: 9
B: 12
C: 14
D: 19
10. In Treasure Planet (2002), the adventurer set sail through space on which spaceship?
A: The Legacy
B: The Hispaniola
C: The Walrus
D: The Revenger
11. Which space shuttle appears in the movie, Gravity (2013)?
A: Enterprise
B: Explorer
C: Endeavour
D: Atlantis
12. What is the name of the TV spaceship made real in Galaxy Quest (1999)?
A: Protector
B: Intrepid
C: Callister
D: Cruiser
Correct answers: 1c, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7c, 8d, 9b, 10a, 11b, 12a
0-4 A bit rusty? You may be in need of a little tune-up from engineering
5-8 You’re (almost) firing on all cylinders!
9-12 Excellent! You’re flying at warp speed
The Ultimate Sci-Fi Movie Quiz Book is published by Studio Press on September 26.