The Flash Season 7 Trailer Arrives
The Flash Season 7 trailer arrived at DC Fandome! Watch it here...

Well, The Flash sure didn’t have it easy during its sixth season. While it was easily the show’s strongest batch of episodes since season three (and one of its best ever), it had to deal with being split right down the middle by Crisis on Infinite Earths, the most ambitious TV crossover ever attempted, and one that has been central to the mythology of the show and the journey of Barry Allen from its very first episode. And if that wasn’t enough, it had its episode count cut after production was abruptly halted because of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Nevertheless, it managed to bring the season in for a graceful landing with a season finale that worked quite well, despite a pretty serious cliffhanger and a set of questions that we’ll have to wait for The Flash Season 7 to answer. Well, some of those questions are starting to get answered, thanks to The Flash panel at the DC Fandome event.
Among other things, showrunner Eric Wallace unveiled the first The Flash Season 7 trailer at the event, which is pretty cool.
Watch it here…
Hang on a second, I can hear your questions from here. How is it possible that there’s a The Flash Season 7 trailer even though filming hasn’t been able to kick off in Vancouver yet? Well, this is probably one of those cases where a bad thing turned into a useful thing later on.
There were definitely scenes filmed for season six episodes that were never completed, and those will have to be re-worked for early season 7 episodes. So it’s probably just a matter of some post-production work having been done on those during the downtime, matched with some newly created special effects to help tease this season’s baddies.
As expected, we’re going to get a conclusion to the Mirror Master…ahem, Mirror Mistress…story, which is cool since she was the best Flash big bad in years. It looks like there’s one more “villain of the week” type episode we’ll still have to get through, and then the return of Godspeed. Hopefully Godspeed gets all the attention he deserves this season, as his two appearances in previous seasons haven’t really gotten into what makes this character cool or special.
While there’s no official premiere date for The Flash Season 7 yet, The CW has already said that they expect new episodes to begin airing in January 2021. The Flash will continue to occupy the Tuesday at 8 pm timeslot (why mess with a good thing?) and will be followed at 9 by new series Superman & Lois.