Best Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5 Battle Pass Skins and Items
Fortnite's new battle pass is highlighted by The Mandalorian cameos and the mysterious Mancake.

Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5’s Battle Pass is finally here, which means it’s time for parents everywhere to watch their wallets as children across the world prepare to throw money at Epic Games’ absurdly popular battle royale title.
In all seriousness, the launch of a new season really is the best time to get back into Fortnite, especially if you’re going for all the new items. This particular season’s unlocks are highlighted by Mandalorian cameos, gladiators, anime visuals, and a mysterious being known only as Mancake.
Here are the best Battle Pass unlocks for Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5 that have been released so far:
Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5’s Best Battle Pass Skins

Season 5’s featured skin is none other than the star of The Mandalorian. I’m honestly a little surprised that it took this long for the Fortnite team to add this skin to the game’s collection, but it feels safe to bet that this skin is about to reach John Wick levels of popularity.

I’m not sure what inspired this apparently sentient stack of pancakes to become a bounty hunter, but I wouldn’t mind if the Mancake story ends up getting the six seasons and a movie treatment.

Mave Shieldbreaker
Here’s a relatively simple skin that impresses in the details. This skin looks like a great set of WoW armor transported into the world of Fortnite, which is absolutely meant to be a compliment.

It’s hard to tell from screenshots, but there’s actually a thin black mist protruding from Kondor’s helmet that raises questions about what, exactly, this being is. In any case, I love this design and how it invokes the “skeleton in an astronaut suit” look of retro sci-fi films.

Who is willing to bet that someone on the Fortnite team has been playing a lot of Genshin Impact lately? The cel-shaded design of this skin actually looks great in the game and is reminiscent of the animated suit in Marvel’s Spider-Man and well as Fortnite’s previous Borderlands crossover.

Menace (Undefeated – Flame)
What the “final form” of the Menace skins lacks in creativity, it makes up for in intimidation. This is a great overall look that also taps into that raid tier WoW armor look. You really can’t go wrong with it.
Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5’s Best Battle Pass Gliders

Hunter’s Skyblade
This isn’t the most elaborate glider we’ve ever seen, but its sharp wings and great color combos make it the perfect accessory for some of the game’s best new skins.

Razor Crest
Fortnite dives back into The Mandalorian vault yet again by adding the show’s iconic ship to the game as arguably the must-have glider of the new battle pass.

Flapjack Flyer
While I question how aerodynamic a pancake really is, I do think it’s a great idea to keep some butter in nearby satchels just in case of a butter-related emergency.

Eagle’s Form
If Fortnite‘s standard gliders just aren’t your thing, then you can always slap on a pair of wings and float to the field in style.

Hey Fortnite McFly, you bojo, those boards don’t work on water…UNLESS YOU’VE GOT POWER!
Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5’s Best Battle Pass Harvesting Tools

Ne’Jari Warhammer
This is another one of those items that isn’t the best looking in and of itself, but it compliments some other pieces and looks rather well.

Again, it seems wildly impractical (maybe dangerous) to put pancakes on the end of a gun, but I’m not about to argue with Mancake and his apparent success as a bounty hunter.

Well, the good news is that you can now run around Fortnite armed with what are essentially the Blades of Chaos from God of War. The bad news is that these are just harvesters and not proper weapons.

Victor’s Flail
If you’re going for the full gladiator look this season, then it’s hard to go wrong with these flails. Just be careful where you swing them unless you want to put an eye out.

Null Claws
They may ultimately be wildly impractical, but the Null Claws do come through in terms of style points. These are a great option if you’ve decided to embrace that anime life.
Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5’s Best Battle Pass Baby Yoda

The Child
While it didn’t really fit into any of the other major categories, it felt like you should know that you can now carry Baby Yoda around in Fortnite. Just be sure to be careful with the internet’s adopted child.
And yes, I know that Baby Yoda has a name now. It’s just going to take a long time before any name but Baby Yoda becomes as accepted as The Child’s original moniker.