Doctor Who 2024 Christmas Special Trailer Reveals Two Doctors
Ncuti Gatwa is doubling up and playing two versions of himself in “Joy to the World”.

It’s the First Law of Time: don’t cross your own timestream. The Doctor absolutely, positively, under no circumstances and under pain of dire consequences should never ever meet himself… except for all the many, many times that he’s done exactly that.
Get ready for the rule to be broken again in this year’s Christmas special “Joy to the World”. The latest trailer for the Steven Moffat-written adventure shows the Fifteenth Doctor not only teaming up with Nicola Coughlan’s Joy, but also – apparently – with himself.
As well as setting up the episode’s Time Hotel premise (“The Time Hotel” was incidentally Moffat’s working title, he says in this month’s Doctor Who Magazine, before it was replaced by “Christmas, Everywhere All at Once” and then eventually “Joy to the World”), the trailer shows two identically dressed versions of Gatwa’s Doctor having what can only be described as a bit of a set-to. One asks the other “How do I get to be you?” and “Where do I go, what do I do?” and is told both times “We’ll find out.”
The vagueness proves too much and prompts some home truths from the doppelganger: “Oh, do you see?! You have to be mysterious all the time, that’s why everyone leaves you, that is why you are always alone.” Flashback to Ruby Sunday hugging the Doctor goodbye in the series 14 finale and a shot of Fifteen with a tear running down his cheek.
See for yourself below:
We already know from the teaser clip released in November that the Doctor is facing an enemy that dates back all the way to Moffat’s first Doctor Who script proper, 2005’s “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances”, and which returned in his 2024 episode “Boom”: intergalactic weapons manufacturer Villengard. Add to that a Silurian, a T-rex, a hotel celebrating Christmas in every time period from prehistoric to 18th century to present day.
Here’s the official synopsis for the special: “When Joy checks into a London hotel in 2024, she opens a secret doorway to the Time Hotel — discovering danger, dinosaurs and the Doctor. But a deadly plan is unfolding across the Earth, just in time for Christmas.”
Whether the second Fifteen is really him, or a hologram, or a Zygon or just a really excellent cosplayer, we’ll find out on Christmas Day.
“Joy to the World” airs on December 25 on BBC One and iPlayer in the UK, and streams on Disney+ around the world.