Link Tank: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of The Oscars 2022
Will Smith and Chris Rock go at it, Zack Snyder wins the fan awards, Dune takes home the most gold, and more in Link Tank!

Yes, that just happened, and you know what we’re talking about if you followed The Oscars (or just logged onto the internet at all) in the last 12 hours.
“Typically, The Oscars are built to move very smoothly and to run on a certain assumption that everyone involved will laugh off any barbs thrown at them. (Who could forget the entire population of women in Hollywood being asked to smile their way politely through Seth MacFarlane crooning obnoxiously about their nude scenes a few years back?) Still, there are jabs at you, and then there are jabs at your loved ones.”
Oh yeah, they also handed out awards last night too! Dune won the most while CODA took home the biggest prize.
“After a very long, very weird lead up which included fan votes, important categories cut and so much more, it’s no surprise that the 94th Annual Academy Awards celebrating them were equally weird with a few examples being an alt version of ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno,’ Will Smith literally smacking Chris Rock and lots of Zack Snyder. And yet, when the smoke cleared, things went largely as expected. From an io9 standpoint, the big winner was Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, which went home with six Oscars, all in technical categories. The night’s overall big winner though was Apple’s CODA which won Best Picture, along with Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor.”
Apparently, the movie the fans loved the most this year was the Netflix streaming flick Army of the Dead, not, you know, Spider-Man: No Way Home (which just passed $800 million at the domestic box office).
Movie fans are having their voices heard at the 94th Academy Awards. During Sunday’s Oscars, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences revealed the winners of two new fan-voted categories: Oscars Fan Favorite and Oscars Cheer Moment. Netflix’s zombie action movie Army of the Dead, starring Dune‘s Dave Bautista and directed by Zack Snyder, got the top spot for the fan-favorite movie, with Camila Cabello’s Cinderella as the runner-up. Third place was Minamata, which stars Johnny Depp, and in fourth was Spider-Man: No Way Home with Tick, Tick… Boom! in fifth.
So a scene from a movie that premiered exclusively on streaming won the Oscars faux award for “Most Cheer-Worthy Moment?” Makes sense.
“The Oscars teamed up with Twitter for an ‘Oscars Fan Favorite’ award, which fans voted for over the past few months using a specific hashtag. On top of this, fans also voted for their favorite ‘cheer-worthy moment’ in, like, all of cinema? As you’ll see, it wasn’t just for 2021. And the winner definitely shows the power of a united fandom. Here’s how the Top 5 Cheer-Worthy Moments in Movies broke down, according to Twitter…”
Babies born in 2021 can now claim CODA as the best picture of their birth year, but what was the best picture of the year you were born? Find out from this list!
“Some people like to keep their first pair of baby shoes to commemorate their birth. But a real movie buff is probably more interested in which movie scored the Oscar for Best Picture when they finally dropped in on the planet. Take a look at which film received the Academy’s biggest prize the year you were born. (While the prizes may have been handed out the following year, the date represents the film’s year of release.)”
Did Zendaya steal another red carpet event? Yes, we think so.
“Zendaya is a cruel, cruel lady. First, she has to go and steal my Spiderman crush Tom Holland. Then, for like the last seven years, the Euphoria star has stolen every single red carpet she’s walked on. And now, she has seemingly won best dressed at the 2022 Oscars’ red carpet. I am exhausted from obsessing over her.”