True Detective Season 4 Episode 3 Trailer Hones In on Raymond Clark
Based on its teaser, True Detective: Night Country episode 3 is on the hunt for its first real suspect.

If you were as captivated by True Detective: Night Country‘s “corpsicle” as we were, you might have missed an important detail. Season 4’s ghoulishly-named icicle filled with dead scientists was short one genius.
As discovered by the end of episode 2, the corpsicle contains only six bodies, which is notably two fewer than the eight scientists who were working at the Tsalal research center. One of those scientists, Anders Lund, is barely alive but accounted for. Another is missing. His name is Raymond Clark and he just so happens to have been known to date Annie K, a local indigenous woman whose murder Detective Navarro (Kali Reis) is hellbent on solving.
Well friends, it sounds like we have our first real suspect. And based on the first trailer for True Detective season 4 episode 3, the search for Raymond Clark is going to be a grueling one. Give it a look below:
“The suspect is Raymond Clark. Consider him armed and dangerous,” Hank Prior (John Hawkes) intones at the clip’s beginning.
It looks like Danvers (Jodie Foster) and Navarro have a lot of questions about their missing scientist, questions like: why was his relationship with Annie a secret, what is with this swirly symbol, and most importantly – how is this guy still alive?
Elsewhere in the trailer, we also get to see some more glimpses at Night Country‘s surprisingly spooky direction. There’s a stuffed polar bear missing an eye that looks suspiciously like the actual polar bear missing an eye we’ve already seen. There’s also more hallucinatory nonsense out on the ice and the shocking news that all these non-Raymond Clark scientists did not die in the cold.
Is Raymond Clark likely to have been the author of all this madness? Based on his discovery this early on in the season, we would say probably not. After all, every True Detective story needs its Reggie Ledoux. Still, finding this guy will certainly lead to some answers and that’s really all we need right now.
New episodes of True Detective: Night Country air Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO, culminating with the finale on Feb. 24, 2024.