Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 7: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
WandaVision episode 7 is more than just a Modern Family nod, it is (just like the rest of the series) packed with plenty of Marvel Comics and MCU references. Here's what we found...

This article contains WandaVision episode 7 spoilers and potential spoilers for future episodes and the wider MCU.
WandaVision episode 7 is probably the final episode that is going to adhere to the sitcom format. As we’ve seen in recent episodes, the show is spending more and more time in the confines of the “real” MCU, and with its TV homages now brought up to modern day, it can spend its final two episodes bringing more surprises and wrapping up its incredibly ambitious story.
But WandaVision episode 7 is ambitious enough in itself, and like previous episodes, it’s positively full of Marvel Comics Easter eggs and pieces that will likely expand the scope of the MCU as we know it.
Let’s see what we found…
Sitcom Influences
This episode takes WandaVision up to the mockumentary era of television, which featured shows like The Office (U.K. and U.S.), Parks and Recreation, and Modern Family. Characters routinely talk to producers offscreen in confessional-style interviews. The Vision’s microphone is even visible in one instance, clipped to the chest.
The episode draws most of its inspiration and look from Modern Family, probably merely because the premise of Wanda’s “modern family” fits more closely to Westview than an office environment would. The Office does get a major shoutout in the twee opening credits though.
We wrote more about the sitcom influences of this episode here.
- Wanda wakes up still wearing most of her “Sokovian fortune teller” costume from Halloween, so this episode takes place on Nov. 1st, the morning after the previous episode. Elsewhere in the episode, we learn that just about the entire scope of what we’ve seen (other than flashbacks to Monica’s return from “The Blip”) has taken place over one week.
- “Don’t let him make you the villain,” Monica pleads with Wanda. There is some legit commentary here. Assorted “hims” have been making Wanda the villain of her own story since John Byrne did it with a run on West Coast Avengers in the late 1980s. We remain unconvinced that Wanda is actually a malevolent force.
- Of course Wanda’s weakness is someone asking her to kill them. That’s where a big chunk of her recent trauma comes from!
- The cereal Wanda is fetching in the kitchen at the start of the episode is called Sugar Snaps, though you’d think Wanda would have had quite enough of Snaps. It also had a clown on the box! In the previous episode, Wanda turned a bunch of SWORD agents into clowns. The cereal’s name is also a subtle anachronism, lots of cereals used to prominently have “Sugar” in their names before they were replaced with more innocuous words like “honey” or “corn.”
- Wanda and Monica’s standoff is a classic Marvel superhero trope: heroes almost always fight each other the first time they meet, usually because one of them is being controlled by a malevolent force or sometimes just a simple misunderstanding.
The Commercial: Nexus
As usual, the fake commercials have a lot going on, and this one for an antidepressant known as Nexus is no different.
- The Nexus of All Realities is a magical area in Marvel that acts as a gateway to various other dimensions. In the comics, it’s located in a swamp in New Orleans and is guarded by the mute creature Man-Thing.
- Wanda herself is also a Nexus Being. It is incredibly convoluted, but the shortest explanation possible that doesn’t involve telling you about the time John Byrne quit Avengers West Coast mid-storyline for being edited is: Wanda’s probability altering powers make her capable of altering the future, even once it’s set. That allows Wanda to change the paths that would lead to the creation of, for example, the Time Keepers we saw statues of in the Loki trailer.
- At Agnes’ house, Billy and Tommy are watching Yo Gabba Gabba on and they’re singing “Jumpy Jump” though “Puppet Master” would have been more on the nose. “Jumpy Jump” might just be a hint that The Hex is a Nexus multiversal jump point.
- There’s another potential Nexus connection, too. NEXUS is where Tony found JARVIS in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
We wrote more about the Marvel significance of “Nexus” here.
Billy and Tommy
- Billy and Tommy, like most kids their age, seem to love video games. Since this episode is modeled after Modern Family (2009), it makes sense that they’re playing games on the Nintendo Wii console, the Japanese publisher’s main platform from 2006 to 2012.
- But the sudden shifts in reality mean that the Wii doesn’t stay a Wii for long. We watch as Billy and Tommy’s Wiimotes transform into GameCube controllers (2001) and then Atari 2600 joystick controllers (1977), both of which seem to fit the eras in which previous episodes of WandaVision are set.
- Both of the boys continue to wear their comic book colors. Tommy’s not just wearing green like his “Speed” alter ego, but he’s straight up wearing a tracksuit.
The Darkhold?
It appears that Agatha is keeping the Darkhold in her basement. Well, it WOULD if it weren’t for the fact that this book looks very different from the way that it was represented on Marvel TV shows like Agents of SHIELD or Runaways.
But if it WERE the Darkhold, this incredibly powerful book would have been written by Chthon, a demon/elder god who has figured prominently in various Wanda and Agatha Harkness stories over the years. It’s said that this book is what created the first vampire (hmmmm…the MCU does have a Blade movie in the works), created werewolves (surely it’s only a matter of time before Werewolf by Night shows up…on the upcoming Moon Knight series, perhaps), and more. If the MCU is going down a more supernatural route for some of its future installments, then the Darkhold would be a key piece of that.
But again, this looks very different than the Darkhold we’ve seen on these other shows.
Reed Richards…you coming or what?
Still no sign of the mysterious “aerospace engineer,” but does the mockumentary/sitcom tone this episode shares with The Office tease John Krasinski’s arrival as Reed Richards?
Monica Rambeau
- The official uniform Monica is wearing under her space suit looks very much like some of the outfits she has worn in various superheroic identities in the comics, including when she was Captain Marvel. It’s appropriate since this episode is another big step in her superheroic origin story, and now there’s no more question that she’s gaining powers from her repeated trips through the Hex.
- It’s almost certainly Monica’s new powers that allow her to make it through the Hex this time, and when she comes out she can see energy patterns and signatures.
- Monica sticks the trademark “Superhero Landing” when she’s confronting Wanda. As Deadpool will attest, it’s really hard on your knees. Totally impractical, but they all do it.
- When Agnes is dragging Wanda into her house, Wanda points at Monica and the whole thing is framed like the “two ladies yelling at the white cat” meme. Impossible to unsee. Fun fact: the white cat’s real name is Smudge.
Monica’s journey through The Hex pays homage to the special effects technique Robert Zemeckis used in the wormhole sequence for 1997’s Contact. During the scene in question, versions of Jodie Foster’s face appear to ghost out from her body, voicing her internal thoughts and memories. By the time Monica emerges from the Hex barrier, she is “ok to go” as a superpowered being.
Contact’s central character, Ellie Arroway, is a woman who has lost her whole family but suppresses her grief and feels all alone in the universe. Can’t see a WandaVision connection here, no sir!
Is this just a tribute to the cult Zemeckis sci-fi movie or is there more to it? Maybe those wondering if the mysterious aerospace engineer will turn out to be Blue Marvel/Mister Fantastic/Doctor Doom have never considered Contact star Matthew McConaughey as a possibility for one of the latter two roles? We might remind you he’s been desperate for a part in the MCU for years.
- Did we see a flash of a Wundagore Everbloom when the plants in Wanda’s house were changing? In Marvel Comics, the Everbloom was a wedding present from Agatha Harkness to Wanda and Vision, and only grows on Wundagore Mountain (where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were raised). It lets you see the future if you put a
dableaf on your tongue.
- The fact that whatever this is seems to have taken over the basement makes us think of the Yo Magic commercial from last week, which implied that someone (or something) is perhaps feeding off Wanda’s powers.
Agatha Harkness
- Agnes is finally revealed as Agatha Harkness in this episode, complete with an absolutely perfect theme song. The brilliant “Agatha All Along” tune is absolutely a pastiche of the Munsters theme, only with lyrics.
- At the end of the song, “And I killed Sparky too!” is a good take on the infamous Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch line, “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!”
- This show has been about Wanda finding her own agency through pain and about counterpointing all the misogyny in her history. For it to be Agnes manipulating her would be a betrayal of the point of the show so far. Not only that, in the comics, Agatha Harkness is generally depicted as an ally of Wanda’s. So we’re betting that “It was Agatha all along” is a red herring, and either Agatha is also being manipulated by an outside force, or Wanda is just putting that villainy on her without knowing the whole story.
Read all our speculation about who the REAL WandaVision villain is here.
- In the comics, Agatha’s familiar is a cat named Ebony. Her rabbit being named “Senor Scratchy” is enough of a nod to that while also referencing Agatha’s evil son Nicholas Scratch.
- While Agnes was able to trick Vision by pretending to be another victim driven insane by being in the Hex, Billy is unknowingly able to see past that by noticing that there isn’t any psychic pain underneath her performance.
- Agnes’ brooch is clearly visible in all of the shots of her. That brooch has three sisters on it, but we still don’t know what it means. It feels so prominent that it has to mean something, though.
The Post Credits Scene
Wanda is pretty certain that the “Uncle Peter” we met in the previous episodes is most certainly not her brother. The Agatha reveal would seem to back this up, as does his kind of menacing presence (“snoopers gonna snoop”) in the post-credits scene. But if he isn’t Pietro Maximoff, then who the heck is he?
Random Stuff and Unanswered Questions
- When we saw the first flashback to the borders of the Hex expanding, the drums sound a little bit like The Rolling Stones’ “Sympathy for the Devil.” We can’t be sure, though…so we’re not putting this down as a Mephisto clue. THIS TIME.
- In the middle of the intro, one of the screens says in cut-up letters, “I know what u are doing Wanda.” Creepy.
- As Darcy chats Vision through his past, she tells him she’s been watching WandaVision for the past week. We’ve been watching it a lot longer than that, Miss Lewis, and we’re still not sure what’s really going on.
- The calendar in the intro has a heart over the 10th, but the first episode had it over the 23rd. Probably means nothing, but worth thinking about.
- Right after Agnes leads Wanda away from the conversation with Monica, we see Dennis the mailman wearing a logo that says “Presto.” Perfect exclamation considering who Agnes is and what she was trying to do in that scene. Also, with Presto being an Amazon knockoff, the logo appears to be a rabbit running.
- We’re looking, but so far we’ve been unable to find a Marvel Comics parallel for Major Goodner.
- At the circus, the butterfly lady on the unicycle looks a little bit like the X-Men‘s Dark Phoenix.
Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!