Mortifying Tales of Post-Screening Q&As Emerge Online

Set cringe levels to maximum, as industry professionals and fans detail their worst post-screening Q&A experiences.

The post-screening Q&A is a lovely tradition that often retrospectively seems like it was better in theory than in practice. If you’ve been to a handful of them, you may be aware that the Venn diagram of people more inclined to get up and actually ask a question about the film they’ve just watched, and people who love to hear themselves talk regardless of the relevance of the subject matter, regularly appears to be pretty close to a circle.

One moment that audience members tend to dread when they pop along to a movie screening attended by a cast and crew brave and willing enough to field questions from an audience occurs when the mic is finally passed to an eager beaver and “hi, yeah, this is more of a comment than a question…” is the first thing that spills from their mouth.

Feeling trapped in your seat, you know damn well you’re about to hear either the worst opinion of all time or, if you’re incredibly lucky, a lengthy story only vaguely related to the movie in question. The brain recoils and straps in for the inevitable: as a collective, you’re about to experience paint drying in real time – you can only hope that any of you were smart enough to bring snacks.

But it could be worse, as Twitter has proven fairly well this week. Movie fans and industry professionals have been sharing their tales of post-screening Q&A woe online for all to read, and some of it makes for truly cringeworthy reading at that.

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From the woman who asked Benedict Cumberbatch if she could taste his “deliciousness” before being escorted off the premises, to a hungover Mickey Rourke just hanging in there for dear life during his efforts not to vomit, this is just a sample of some of the worst post-screening Q&A stories shared on Twitter so far…

Well this is just rude…

Really putting the Q in Q&A…

How dare…

This is disgusting. Who wears sunglasses indoors…?


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Will The Last Jedi discourse ever end…

Super Monkeyball…

Doing his evil bidding…

Man Who Fell To Woof. I’ll see myself out…

Use your indoor kidnapping plot voice…

No. Just no…

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More like a nightmare…

Got any moments of excruciating cringe of your own to share from post-screening Q&As you’ve attended? Be sure to let us know in the comments so that we can all suffer together!