Geek shows and movies on UK TV in the coming week

Doctor Who and Psychoville end, Mock The Week returns, and the marvellous Role Models is on the telly. Here's our UK TV week preview...

Saturday brings Doctor Who fans both great anticipation and a bit of reluctance for its arrival, as it means possible resolutions of some of our most fierce speculations about the show, at the same time as it leaves us for the entirety of the summer, returning in the autumn.

The mid-series finale, A Good Man Goes To War, airs at 6:40pm, Saturday, June 4th on BBC1. We’ve had video and images hinting at its contents, but nothing concrete has been revealed, leaving possibilities of TARDIS interior proportions.

We’ll have our review up as fast as fingers can make it happen, and we’ll be anxious to read the comments of those, like us, who’ve followed this sixth series closely and are still mystified at what will happen Saturday.

Another finale is in store this week, with the conclusion to Psychoville 2. We’ve been following the stories and fates of the collection of quality crazy characters, in a series where anything can happen and no one is safe from the chop, stab, noose, or what have you. We’ll be tuning in on Monday, June 6th (not the regular Thursday slot) at 10:00pm on BBC2, to see where it all ends up, and who survives.

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To end our telly highlights, we’ll be happy to welcome back Mock The Week, the comical panel show headed up by Dara Ó Briain. The first of twelve episodes launches the show’s tenth series on Thursday, June 9th at 10:00pm on BB2, laughing at our leaders and the news and current events, all disguised as a competition of funny makers. The premiering episode sees Chris Addison, Greg Davies, Milton Jones and Seann Walsh join regulars Hugh Dennis and Andy Parson for proceedings.

Now, on to those films showing through the weekend and a bit beyond.

If you like your comedies full of lewd, crude and rude dudes and dudettes, this is your week! American Pie kicks thing off alphabetically tonight, before its scheduled reunion, and Role Models brings up the rear of the weekend, on Sunday night.

Or, with a clue in the title, you might want to end your Sunday evening with The Shawshank Redemption, a film that featured prominently in our recommended prescriptions for the end of any especially trying and tiring week.

And if you’re planning to see the latest X-Men film, you can watch a brief refresher course, and see why X-Men: First Class is the best so far, with both X-Men and X-Men: The Last Stand airing tonight and tomorrow.

As always, if we missed anything interesting, have a shout in the comments, with our thanks.

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Please also note: the ordinal numbers for dates will help you scan through this simple list with your browser’s search function. Enter ‘4th’ in your browser’s Find box or window to highlight and/or tab through all movies shown on Saturday. Enjoy!


2001: A Space OdysseyOn: TCM    Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 6:15pm (and 10:10am 6th June)

Ace Ventura: When Nature CallsOn: BBC 1    Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 11:30pmAmerican PieOn: ITV1Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 10:35pmBad Lieutenant (1992)On: Film4    Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 01:55am (and 2:55am Film4+1)

Ca$HOn: Sky Movies Premiere    Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 4:10pm (and 5:10pm Premiere+1, then daily through 16th June)

CrankOn: ITV4Date: Monday 6th JuneTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm ITV4+1)

DisclosureOn: ITV2  Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 11:00pm (and midnight ITV2+1, 11:15pm/00:15am 7th/8th June)

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Edward ScissorhandsOn: Film4  Date: Monday 6th JuneTime: 6:55pm (and 7:55pm Film4+1)

EnigmaOn: BBC 2  Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 10:30pm

Falling DownOn: ITV1  Date: Tuesday 7th JuneTime: 10:35pmField Of DreamsOn: ITV1   Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 1:50pm

FirewallOn: BBC 1     Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 10:55pm

FranticOn: TCMDate: Wednesday 8th JuneTime: 11:00pm

Friday The 13th (1980)On: TCMDate: Friday 3rd JuneTime: midnight

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From HellOn: 5USA    Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm 5USA+1, 10/11:00pm 6th June)

Gods And MonstersOn: BBC 4  Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 10:00pm

GoodfellasOn: TCMDate: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 9:00pmHot FuzzOn: ITV2Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 11:00pm (and midnight ITV2+1, 9/10:00pm 8th June)InnerspaceOn: TCM    Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 10:30am

Kill Bill: Vol. 2On: BBC 3   Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 10:00pm (and 10:00pm 8th June)Mad Max 2: The Road WarriorOn: ITV4   Date: Tuesday 7th JuneTime: 11:55pm (and 00:55am 8th June ITV4+1)Marathon ManOn: Film4   Date: Thursday 9th JuneTime: 00:55am (and 1:55am Film4+1)March Of The PenguinsOn: ITV3  Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 5:15pm (and 6:15pm ITV3+1)Mary And MaxOn: Film4  Date: Monday 6th JuneTime: 10:45pm (and 11:45pm Film4+1)

OldboyOn: Channel 4  Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 00:15am (and 1:1am 4+1)Paper MoonOn: Film4  Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 4:50pm (and 5:50pm Film4+1)

PathfinderOn: Film4Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 11:15pm (and 00:15am 6th June Film4+1)RamboOn: Channel 5   Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 10:00pmRobotsOn: ITV2  Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 3:40pm (and 4:40pm ITV2+1)

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Role ModelsOn: Channel 4   Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm 4+1)Saving Private RyanOn: Channel 4    Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm 4+1)

Star Trek IV: The Voyage HomeOn: Film4Date: Tuesday 7th JuneTime: 6:40pm (and 7:40pm Film4+1)

Tango And CashOn: TCM  Date: Wednesday 8th JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 1:10am 9th June)Teen WolfOn: SyFyDate: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 8:00pm (and 9:00pm Syfy+1)

Tenacious D In The Pick Of DestinyOn: E4Date: Wednesday 8th JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm E4+1)

The Accidental TouristOn: TCM  Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 3:00pm (and 5:45am 5th June)

The Constant GardenerOn: ITV1  Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 10:45pm

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The Damned UnitedOn: BBC 2   Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 10:00pm

The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The KingOn: Channel 4   Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 6:30pm (and 7:30 4+1)

The Madness Of King GeorgeOn: Film4Date: Wednesday 8th JuneTime: 6:50pm (and 7:50pm Film4+1)

The Pelican BriefOn: TCMDate: Tuesday 7th JuneTime: 9:00pm

The Scarlet ClawOn: TCM  Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 5:25pm

The Secret In Their EyesOn: Sky Movies Premiere  Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 11:45pm (and 00:45am 4th June Premiere+1, then daily through 10th June)The Shawshank RedemptionOn: ITV2Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm ITV2+1)The ThingOn: ITV4Date: Thursday 9th JuneTime: 00:20am (and 1:20am ITV4+1)

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The War Of The Worlds (1953)On: Film4   Date: Thursday 9th JuneTime: 5:30pm (and 6:30pm Film4+1)

The Way Of The DragonOn: SyFy   Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 11:00pm (and midnight Syfy+1)

True LiesOn: TCM  Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 9:00pm

UnleashedOn: ITV4Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm ITV4+1, midnight/1:00am 5th/6th June)Walk The LineOn: Film4Date: Tuesday 7th JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm Film4+1)

X-MenOn: Film4  Date: Friday 3rd JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm Film4+1)X-Men: The Last StandOn: Channel 4    Date: Saturday 4th JuneTime: 10:15pm (and 11:15pm 4+1)

ZoolanderOn: Channel 4    Date: Sunday 5th JuneTime: 11:00pm (and midnight 4+1)

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