Killing Eve Season 2 Episode 6 Review: I Hope You Like Missionary!
Eve and Villanelle go after Aaron Peele as they take their voyeuristic relationship to a new level
This Killing Eve review contains spoilers.
Killing Eve Season 2 Episode 6
In a somewhat concerning choice, Killing Eve pivots to what seems like the new normal: Eve and her team are now working with Villanelle and Konstantin. In some ways, this feels inevitable. But might it also be a death sentence for the tension that keeps the show alive? V does her best to keep the passion going by locking eyes with Eve and murdering someone in broad daylight, and casually negging her throughout, but only time will tell if that will be enough.
One of the strongest parts of this episode was also the hardest to watch: Eve’s downward spiral at Gemma’s house. There’s a clear parallel between Eve messing with Gemma’s bras and Villanelle mucking about with the toothbrush and CDs at Eve’s place. Eve’s transformation to Villanelle isn’t as complete as Niko might think, however, because Eve doesn’t know what to do when caught. Unlike Villanelle, who remains far more in control of the Aaron Peele situation than anyone else realizes, Eve is a live wire. She’s more like Villanelle on drugs in Amsterdam, letting her emotions drive her. I’ll say this for Eve, much like Villanelle, she knew how to hit Gemma where it hurts with her, “that’s right, nothing is going on here,” line. And poor Gemma is too boring to know not to say she likes missionary.
While Jess might be wrong about what will fix Eve’s problems with Niko, the opening scenes suggest that sex is at least some of their problem. If they could emotionally de-couple exploring from both of their feelings toward Villanelle, Eve’s job, and Eve’s lying, then they might stand a chance. It would be interesting, too, to get a better idea of how much of Eve’s lying is strictly necessary for her job and how much is recreational. It feels like we’ve assumed it’s all for fun, but realistically, what could she have told Niko about Paris? Eve is obviously a bit of a mess all around right now, and the fact that she’s pushing Kenny away and now withholding from Carolyn in addition to Niko is more concerning, but how honest with her husband could she be about a top-secret job?
Speaking of Carolyn, Fiona Shaw’s performance every week is consistently stunning. She makes a meal out of even the shortest of lines, and does it all with a kind of quiet swagger. When Eve interrupted her fencing practice, it seemed like Carolyn didn’t want to be told that the traffic accident was anything more than that. I’m hoping Jess and Eve will get back on their inquiry about what, exactly, Carolyn is up to and why she’s keeping Eve off the books.
Watching Konstantin and Eve jockey for position is an oddly jovial delight, and the humor on Killing Eve remains laugh out loud funny, in spite of the inherent darkness of the show. There’s been plenty of speculation about what the new showrunner each year means, but it’s clear that Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s oddball sensibility is still intact, and that’s a good thing. Eve’s ability to roll with Konstantin’s ability to reappear in disconcerting locales is one of the surest signs of her growth in her career. Konstantin clearly thinks Eve needs to play things a little lighter and looser, while Villanelle wants no leash at all. What does he know? Eve’s the only one Villanelle has never hurt so far.
For her part, Villanelle spent much of this episode making it clear she’s in charge. This season had a big challenge ahead of it to keep things fresh on a show that was notably so. Having the cat and mouse team up for two episodes in a row (and perhaps more?) means there needs to be a new dynamic to keep that going. Villanelle admonishing Eve, tiring of her as soon as she has her, asserting her dominance is certainly one way to change things up. Killing Eve and Villanelle never want us to forget: she’s a killer.
This episode played more with the concept of watching and being watched, the voyeurism inherent in V and E’s relationship that Hugo finally named. With Eve listening, “Billie” couldn’t resist the opportunity to mess with her by pulling on her life during the AA meeting.
Poor Kenny only had one appearance in this episode, amidst his mother’s multiple “old friends.” That breakfast scene was one of the best – good for her! And I love Konstantin for knowing his exact place. Eve did call Hugo Kenny – I didn’t miss Hugo’s reduced role this episode, which felt like the perfect dose of him, but it’s only a matter of time before Eve realizes she isn’t Villanelle. She needs other people.
This episode ended on a bit of an odd note. Killing Eve usually has a bit of a stinger that makes us reconsider what’s come before or gives us a taste of the next week. Instead it felt like the Peele operation was cut short and then this scene with shawarma and the women walking home was a bit talked on, a little out of nowhere, a little undercooked. Sure, there’s a whole “wolf in sheep’s clothing” vibe (get it, lamb?) but it feels like a weak note, out of place, after the strong episode that came before it, almost like a scene got skipped.
Other notes
Eve doesn’t miss a beat: “So Carolyn’s forgiven you then?” “We have forgiven each other.”
Carolyn’s entire mission statement: “We’re playing the long game, Eve.”
V goes full career woman with wide lapels, high waisted trousers, pin stripes, and a blush high neck blouse
“This operation is strictly Moscow rules.” “You’re the real boss, aren’t you?”
Billie’s style is also amazing: vaguely pastel pink hair, shiny silver sneaks, various blue silk jackets, great red leather booties, giant fluffy burnt orange coat, leather leggings
Is it possible that Villanelle actually told the truth in that second AA meeting? I love that she doesn’t even seem to know.