Geek shows and movies on UK TV in the coming week
Stargate Universe ends, Luther returns, The Shadow Line concludes, and there are some terrific films coming up on UK TV too...
This week is predominantly filled with finales of shows we’ve been following, with only one brave face reappearing in the telly schedules.
Monday brings the end of the precious weekend and the finish of a show that won’t be returning to our screens, except in repeats. Stargate Universe concludes its second and final season on Monday, June 13th, at 8:00pm on Sky 1, in an episode entitled Gauntlet. We’re sorry to see it go, but quite impressed with the way it leaves, gracefully, and wrapping up as best it can, while keeping the door ever so slightly ajar for further treatments, even if they’re wishful thinking on our part. We’ll say no more, except farewell to another quality sci-fi show.
The new and returning entry this week is Luther, back for a second, brief series of detective drama starring Idris Elba. We couldn’t keep up with Luther last year, battling for eyeballs as it was among Doctor Who, Ashes To Ashes and the 24 final season, among other programming. But it has less competition in the schedules this year, and those who stuck with the show are sure to want to see where it goes next. The first of only four episodes airs Tuesday, June 14th, on BBC1 at 9:00pm. If you need a refresher on where things went and ended up last year, our collection of reviews of series 1 are here.
Back to exiting programmes and Fringe finishes its third season with The Day We Died. The series had its highs and lows in this latest season, which you can read about here, in our US speed reviews. But it was always a fun trip, week on week, and the finale did its job, leaving us all wondering where the show might go next, and just who will be along for the wild ride. Episode 22 first airs on Sky 1 at 10:00pm Wednesday, June 15th. And with a fourth season secured, when last we heard, we should get to tag along again.
Thursday wraps up the events of The Shadow Line. While the story hasn’t been as unique or compelling as some thriller-dramas centring on good and bad guys in uniform and out, the central performances from a stellar cast, including Stephen Rea’s eerie, whispering Gatehouse, Chiwetel Ejiofor’s amnesiac, bullet-brained Gabriel, Christopher Eccleston’s wannbe gangster flower trader and a creepy and skin crawling Wratten, portrayed by Rafe Spall, have added must-see value to the show. Then there’s the little trick of ending each episode with a shocking killing or event in the final seconds before the closing credits, and we’re primed to see how it all finishes on Thursday, June 16th at 9:00pm on BBC2.
Now, on to those films showing through the weekend and a bit beyond. As always, if we missed anything interesting, have a shout in the comments, with our thanks.
Please also note: the ordinal numbers for dates will help you scan through this simple list with your browser’s search function. Enter ’11th’ in your browser’s Find box or window to highlight and/or tab through all movies shown on Saturday. Enjoy!
All The President’s Men
On: TCM Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 9:00pmBasic InstinctOn: ITV2 Date: Monday 13th JuneTime: 00:10am (and 1:10am ITV2+1)
Batman BeginsOn: ITV1 Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 9:55pm
BeetlejuiceOn: TCMDate: Thursday 16th JuneTime: 01:20am
Being ThereOn: ITV1 Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 12:55pmBladeOn: TCM Date: Friday 10th JuneTime: 11:00pm
BrazilOn: BBC 2 Date: Friday 10th JuneTime: 11:50pmDeep Blue SeaOn: ITV2Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm ITV2+1)
Destination MoonOn: Film4Date: Friday 10th JuneTime: 4:55pm (and 5:55pm Film4+1)
DisturbiaOn: BBC 1 Date: Friday 10th JuneTime: 11:30pm
Edward ScissorhandsOn: Film4 Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 6:55pm (and 7:55pm Film4+1)
Full Metal JacketOn: ITV4Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 10:10pm (and 11:10pm ITV4+1)
GladiatorOn: ITV2Date: Friday 10th JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm ITV2+1, 11:00pm/midnight 14th June)
Ghosts Of MarsOn: Film4 Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 10:45pm (and 11:45pm Film4+1)
Kiss Of The DragonOn: 5USA Date: Tuesday 14th JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm 5USA+1, 11:00pm/midnight 15th June)
Lethal WeaponOn: ITV1 Date: Monday 13th JuneTime: 10:35pm
OctopussyOn: ITV1 Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 3:10pm
Once upon A Time In The WestOn: Film4Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 00:40am (and 1:40am Film4+1)
Paper MoonOn: Film4 Date: Friday 10th JuneTime: 6:45pm (nd 7:45pm Film4+1)
PathfinderOn: Film4Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 01:20am (and 2:20am Film4+1)PredatorsOn: Sky Movies Premiere Date: Friday 10th JuneTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm Premiere+1, then daily through 16th June)Rec 2On: Sky Movies PremiereDate: Friday 10th JuneTime: 11:50pm (and 00:50am 11th June Premiere+1, then daily through 16th June)
Reservoir DogsOn: Channel 5 Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 11:15pm
SaharaOn: Channel 4 Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 6:45pm (and 7:45pm 4+1)
SupermanOn: TCM Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 6:10pm (and 10:00am 13th June)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage HomeOn: Film4 Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 1:00pm (and 2:00pm Film4+1)
The CommitmentsOn: Film4 Date: Monday 13th JuneTime: 11:35pm (and 00:35am 14th June Film4+1)
The Evil DeadOn: SyFyDate: Tuesday 14th JuneTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm Syfy+1, 10:55pm horror channel)
The GameOn: ITV1 Date: Tuesday 14th JuneTime: 10:35pmThe MaskOn: TCMDate: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 3:00pm (and 7:00am 12th June)
The Shawshank RedemptionOn: ITV2Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm ITV2+1)The Sorcerer’s ApprenticeOn: Sky Movies Premiere Date: Friday 10th JuneTime: 10:00am (and 11:00am Premiere+1 & 8/9:00pm, then daily through 23rd June)The Quick And The DeadOn: Channel 4Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 11:05pm (and 00:05am 12th June 4+1)
The StingOn: ITV4Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 4:25pm (and 5:25pm ITV4+1)The War Of The Worlds (1953)On: Film4 Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 3:30pm (and 4:30pm Film4+1)The WarlordsOn: Film4Date: Wednesday 15th JuneTime: 01:30am (and 2:30am Film4+1)Three KingsOn: TCMDate: Wednesday 15th JuneTime: 9:00pm
TwinsOn: ITV2 Date: Saturday 11th JuneTime: 12:50pm (and 1:50pm ITV2+1)
V For VendettaOn: BBC 3 Date: Wednesday 15th JuneTime: 9:00pm
Witchfinder GeneralOn: BBC 4Date: Sunday 12th JuneTime: 10:00pm