Geek shows and movies on UK TV in the coming week
Psychoville. Doctor Who. Lots of interesting movies. It's not a bad week ahead on UK TV...
Returning from a holiday week, there’s only a couple spots to circle on geek calendars this week.
One we missed in our week away was the return of Psychoville. The comedy-horror programme is airing on BBC Two, Thursdays at 10pm. If you missed the premiere last night, you can catch it on iPlayer here. Then read our review and air your opinions about the return here.
We also have an interview with series co-creator/co-star, Steve Pemberton, which reveals an interesting connection between his portrayal of the murderous son, David, in Psychoville and his role as Ripperologist, Edward Buchan, in Whitechapel, as well as a peek into where and how some of these bizarre character creations first come to life.
Then, we’ll remind you that this week’s Doctor Who starts a little later, at 6:15pm on BBC 1, Saturday, May 8th, with The Curse Of The Black Spot. We’ll have a review of the third episode of the sixth series as the credits roll, but our spoiler-free review is here and a gallery of images from the pirate-y exploits are here.
Now, on to those films showing through the weekend and a bit beyond. A couple good films for sports fans feature this week, with Oliver Stone’s Any Give Sunday and Tin Cup, and another chilling imported mystery, this time from chilly Iceland, features on BBC 4 in Jar City, so named for a morgue storage procedure.
As always, if we missed anything interesting, have a shout in the comments, with our thanks.
Please also note: the ordinal numbers for dates will help you scan through this simple list with your browser’s search function. Enter ’23rd’ in your browser’s Find box or window to highlight and/or tab through all movies shown on Saturday. Enjoy!
28 Weeks LaterOn: Channel 4Date: Monday 9th MayTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm 4+1)
300On: 5USADate: Friday 6th MayTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm 5USA+1, 10/11:00pm 12th May)
AliensOn: Film4Date: Tuesday 10th MayTime: 11:00pm (and midnight Film4+1)
Along Came A SpiderOn: Film4Date: Sunday 8th MayTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm Film4+1)
An EducationOn: BBC 2Date: Friday 13th MayTime: 8:30pm
Any Given SundayOn: TCMDate: Saturday 7th MayTime: 9:00pm
Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)On: BBC 1)Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 00:35am
Beneath The Planet Of The ApesOn: Film4Date: Thursday 12th MayTime: 10:45pm (and 11:45pm Film4+1)
CasinoOn: ITV4Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 11:00pm (and midnight ITV4+1)
CollateralOn: more4Date: Friday 6th MayTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm 11th May)
Corpse BrideOn: WatchDate: Sunday 8th MayTime: 5:30pm (and 6:30pm Watch+1, 4:30/5:30pm 9th May)
Demolition ManOn: TCMDate: Monday 9th MayTime: 9:00pm (and 1:35am 10th May)
Dolores ClaiborneOn: ITV3Date: Sunday 8th MayTime: 11:40pm (and 00:40am 9th May ITV3+1, 11:05pm/00:05am 12th/13th May)
Dragon HuntersOn: Sky Movies PremiereDate: Friday 6th MayTime: 1:30pm (and 2:30pm Premiere+1, then daily at various times though 10th May)
Futurama: Bender’s Big ScoreOn: Sky1Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 4:15pm
Get ShortyOn: ITV4Date: Thursday 12th MayTime: 11:25pm (and 00:25am 13th May)
GoodfellasOn: TCMDate: Tuesday 10th MayTime: 9:00pm
Hot Shots!On: Film4Date: Wednesday 11th MayTime: 7:10pm (and 8:10pm Film4+1)
Iron ManOn: Film4Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm Film4+1)
Jar CityOn: BBC 4Date: Sunday 8th MayTime: 10:00pm (and 1:00am 11th May)
Johnny MnemonicOn: Film4Date: Monday 9th MayTime: 00:55am (and 1:55am Film4+1)
LegendOn: BBC 2Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 2:35pm
Magnum ForceOn: ITV1Date: Saturday 7th May 2Time: 10:15pm
Mars Attacks!On: ITV1Date: Tuesday 10th MayTime: 10:35pm
Midnight RunOn: ITV4Date: Monday 9th MayTime: 00:20am (and 1:20am ITV4+1)
National Lampoon’s Animal HouseOn: ITV4Date: Sunday 8th MayTime: 9:00pm (and 10:00pm ITV4+1, 11:05pm/00:05am 11th/12th May)
Night At The MuseumOn: Film4Date: Tuesday 10th MayTime: 6:50pm (and 7:50pm Film4+1)
NightwatchOn: BBC 1Date: Tuesday 10th MayTime: 11:55pm
North By NorthwestOn: TCMDate: Saturday 7th MayTime: 6:15pm (and 10:25am 8th May)
Pan’s LabyrinthOn: Film4Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 11:20pm (and 00:20am 8th May Film4+1)
Planet Of The Apes (1968)On: Film4Date: Wednesday 11th MayTime: 11:05pm (and 00:05am 12th May Film4+1)
PredatorOn: Film4Date: Friday 6th MayTime: 9:00pm (and 10:0pm Film4+1, 9/10:00pm 11th May)
Predator 2On: Film4Date: Friday 6th MayTime: 11:10pm (and 00:10am 7th May Film4+1)
Romancing The StoneOn: Film4Date: Friday 6th MayTime: 6:45pm (and 7:45pm Film4+1)
SerenityOn: ITV4Date: Monday 9th MayTime: 10:55pm (and 11:55pm ITV4+1, 9/10:00pm 12th May)
Star Trek III: The Search For SpockOn: Film4Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 5:15pm (and 6:15pm Film4+1)
The Cat ReturnsOn: Film4Date: Sunday 8th MayTime: 3:10pm (and 4:10pm Film4+1)
The DescentOn: Film4Date: Sunday 8th MayTime: 11:00pm (and midnight Film4+1)
The IslandOn: ITV2Date: Thursday 12th MayTime: 10:45pm (and 11:45pm ITV2+1)
The LimeyOn: Film4Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 01:15am (and 2:15am Film4+1)
The Man With The Golden GunOn: ITV1Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 3:10pm
The MaskOn: TCMDate: Thursday 12th MayTime: 7:00pm
The MatrixOn: ITV2Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 10:45pm (and 11:45pm ITV2+1, 00:45/1:45am 10th May)
The Scouting Book For BoysOn: Sky Movies PremiereDate: Friday 6th MayTime: 2:00pm (and 3:00pm Premiere+1, then daily at various times through 12th May)
The Shawshank RedemptionOn: ITV1Date: Monday 9th MayTime: 10:35pm
The Simpsons MovieOn: Film4Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 7:15pm (and 8:15pm Film4+1)
Tin CupOn: TCMDate: Sunday 8th MayTime: 11:20pm
Training DayOn: ITV4Date: Tuesday 10th MayTime: 10:00pm (and 11:00pm ITV4+1)
TwisterOn: ITV2Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 4:45pm (and 5:45pm ITV2+1, 3/4:00pm 8th May)
UnforgivenOn: TCMDate: Friday 6th MayTime: 9:00pm (and 1:30am 7th May)
What Lies BeneathOn: Channel 4Date: Saturday 7th MayTime: 11:10pm (and 00:10am 8th May 4+1)
X2On: Channel 5Date: Sunday 8th May 2011Time: 7:25pm