Link Tank: Wonder Woman’s Burden as a Female-Led Superhero Film
Wonder Woman's burden, what COVID-19 means for electric cars, obscure streaming services, and more in today's Link Tank!

Wonder Woman is a gift, but sometimes you have to wonder: Do we love the movie because it’s good, or because we’ve been given so few female-led genre films to begin with?
“The Wonder Woman movie had to carry a lot on its shoulders. At the time of its release in 2017, it was the first female-led superhero film in decades, and considering DC movies’ track record at the time, it’s no surprise that people were concerned. What ended up happing was that the film—directed by Patty Jenkins, written by Allan Heinberg, and starring Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman—became not just the most critically acclaimed female-led superhero movie of all time, but the first from the DCEU to be a critical and commercial darling, and so far, the first to be getting a real direct sequel (eventually).”
If you feel useless being quarantined at home, here are safe things to do to feel better and help combat COVID-19.
“COVID-19 has many of us hunkering down in our homes for the foreseeable future, where we’re working from home, learning how to become home-school teachers, and recreating our social lives over video chat. But the outbreak has also resulted in historic job losses, childcare and health concerns for those deemed essential workers, and anxiety about loved ones contracting the virus. If you’re sitting at home feeling helpless and wondering how best to help those in need, we’ve compiled a list of services you can purchase to improve your own quarantine experience while giving back.”
This pandemic could mean bad news for electric cars companies like Tesla.
“Car sales are declining as the coronavirus outbreak pushes the global economy into a recession, and the electric and renewable wings of the industry are suddenly under threat like never before. To face the crisis, some of the world’s biggest consumers of electric cars are on the verge of relaxing emission standards to ease the burden on automobile manufacturers. This could help car companies but would be an unfortunate turn of events for both climate and electric car companies like Tesla.”
There are a lot to watch on the major streaming platforms, but in case none of them catch your fancy, check out these more obscure services.
“In this period that necessitates staying home, you can always shake up your routine by getting really invested in a new streaming service. Maybe you’re looking for some trashy TV to zone out to? There’s a (free) one for that. Horror films? Yeah, we’ve got you covered. New arthouse releases? Same. What about the best of the best? There’s a highly curated service at your fingertips. Find out which one is right for you.”
Scientists have found a pair of flies trapped in copulation perfectly preserved for millions of years in amber fossils.
“A pair of long-legged flies met a Romeo-and-Juliet ending some 41 million years ago, when a falling drop of tree resin ruined their tender moment. On the bright side, their disrupted act of fornication was preserved for all eternity in this pornographic piece of amber.”
If you can no longer find yeast in your local grocery store, here’s how to can grow yeast at home for your bread.
“Baking bread can relieve stress and it requires long stretches of time at home that many of us now have. But shoppers have been panic-buying some surprising items since the start of the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to pantry staples like rice and beans, yeast packets are suddenly hard to find in grocery stores. If you got the idea to make homemade bread at the same time as everyone on your Instagram feed, don’t let the yeast shortage stop you.”