Link Tank: Underrated Movies From the 2000s to Revisit
Underrated films from the 2000s, how Among Us started trending, water on Mars, and more in today's Link Tank!

Check out these 11 films from the 2000s that are better than their Rotten Tomatoes scores made them out to be.
“There is perhaps no decade in history with pop culture as trashy as the 2000s. The aughts were infamouslytrashy! Part of what contributed to that, aside from people ravenously consuming tabloids about heiresses and young starlets in outfits of questionable taste, was the lot of outrageous, cringe-worthy, and typically befallen to the category of good-bad-movie-that’s-fun-to-watch that came out at the time.”
If you’re an Android user, you need to check for and remove from your phone these 17 apps infected with the Joker malware.
“One of the most persistent pieces of malware targeting Android devices has reared its head again, this time appearing in 17 apps on the Google Play Store. As security company Zscaler explains, the apps in question were infected with the Joker malware. It steals SMS messages, contact lists, and device information, but the most serious threat it poses to users is automatic sign-ups to premium wireless application protocol (WAP) services.”
Cinematographer and designer Daniel Voshart has used artificial intelligence to recreate the appearances of 54 Roman emperors.
“Ancient Roman emperors’ faces have been brought to life in digital reconstructions; the unnervingly realistic image project includes the Emperors Caligula, Nero and Hadrian, among others. The features of these long-dead rulers have been preserved in hundreds of sculptures, but even the most detailed carvings can’t convey what these men truly looked like when they were alive.”
Online multiplayer game Among Us has been making rounds on the Internet lately, and here’s why.
“Recently, I began to see unfamiliar memes with more than a hundred thousand likes go by on my Twitter feed. These tweets usually featured screenshots from what looked like a rather old-school video game, and starred some colorful blobs with legs. I was intrigued. What was happening?”
A newly published study concluded that there may be more water on Mars than we previously anticipated.
“More liquid water may exist beneath the Martian surface than we realized, according to new research published today in Nature Astronomy. The new paper describes several newly detected subglacial water bodies beneath the Martian south pole, in addition to the described water body found two years ago.”
Actor Ken Hall of The Umbrella Academy talks punk rock, improv, comic-con, and more in this exclusive interview.
“The actor and comedian, who plays Herb and provides the motion capture for Pogo on Netflix’s hit series The Umbrella Academy, tells Inverse it took an entire day to learn. ‘I kept messing it up — thankfully the final cut looks great,’ Hall says. ‘I love the fact that [Herb] and [Diego] have this kind of bro-ish relationship now.'”