Lucifer Season 6 Ending Explained
Lucifer said goodbye to its fans on Netflix with a final season that saw the Devil dragged into a time travel plot from which there was no escape.

This article contains Lucifer Season 6 spoilers.
No Netflix resurrections this time, as Lucifer has departed this mortal realm after six terrific seasons. The show’s fans managed to rescue it from cancellation once, and the streaming service stepped up to keep the party going at Lux several times, but we’ve had to say goodbye to Lucifer, Chloe and the rest of our faves for good now.
There was a lot going on in the final season, as you might have expected before you even hit play on the first installment. There were certainly plenty of loose ends to tie up from Season 5, and a big new season arc to deal with after Lucifer’s estranged daughter from the future arrived on the scene with very bad tidings: Lucifer was set to suddenly vanish, leaving soon-to-be mom Chloe on Earth alone, and Rory without a dad.
Lucifer Season 6 was a huge improvement on Season 5, and the writers seemed to have a clear course mapped out from the very first episode all the way through to the series finale. Everyone got their happy ending eventually, even if some of them were a little bittersweet.
Let’s take a closer look at how everything wrapped up for Lucifer and the gang…
After diabolical French mercenary Vincent Le Mec kidnapped Rory and took her to the place where she told Lucifer he would soon disappear and never be seen again (according to her knowledge of past events) Lucifer and Chloe decided to ambush Vincent and his thugs at the scene, even if it meant Chloe got hurt or Lucifer died.
Chloe did get hurt quite badly, but she and Lucifer made short work of Le Mec’s henchmen, and Lucifer tried to get through to him about his ongoing guilt and terrible life choices. Though Rory eventually managed to get free of her chains, her instinct was to try and kill Le Mec for what he’d done to her.
Lucifer feared that killing her torturer would only lead to more guilt and pain, so Rory let Le Mec go. Unfortunately, he tried to attack them again, and Chloe shot him. He became impaled on Rory’s feathers and died, going straight to Hell – which he absolutely deserved – but everyone was a bit shaken by the fact that both Rory and Lucifer made it through their expected temporal crisis, and Rory realized that their continuing presence on Earth meant that Lucifer would still abandon them. But why?
The answer came to Chloe and Rory later, when they heard that Lucifer had helped Dan get to Heaven. Chloe remembered he’d previously helped a former criminal break his Hell loop and get to Heaven, too. Lucifer seemed to have learned a lot in his therapy sessions with Dr. Linda!
Rory convinced Lucifer that instead of ruling Hell with an iron fist, he should return there and help as many other souls trapped in Hell loops as he could. Lucifer was reticent to do so, but knew that if he did leave Chloe and go to Hell she would go on to give birth to Rory without him and Rory could return to the future where she belonged.
After Rory traveled forward in time, Lucifer and Chloe shared an emotional last night at Lux, and Lucifer indeed left to become a therapist to the troubled denizens of Hell so that he didn’t alter Rory’s future. They had slowly bonded and he had grown to love his daughter so much in the short time he knew her.
We later saw that Vincent Le Mec was a patient on Lucifer’s couch in Hell, but sadly didn’t seem to be making much progress under Lucifer’s care!
Rory arrived back in the future as Chloe was dying. It seemed that everything she’d told Chloe about their wonderful lives together was true, and Chloe acknowledged the events of their shared past with Lucifer when she and Rory had a last heart-to-heart at Chloe’s deathbed. They agreed to meet “on the other side” as Chloe passed away, but Rory’s future beyond that remained unclear.
Chloe returned to work for the LAPD, and became a Lieutenant. She was often visited by Amenadiel, who was pleased to see that the work he’d done during his brief time at the department had paid dividends before he started his rather important new job.
Rory was born right on schedule, and everyone (minus Lucifer of course) was there to welcome Chloe’s new baby girl home.
In the future, Chloe passed away and went to Heaven. Amenadiel was there to meet her, but instead of taking Chloe to Heaven he took her to Hell and into the arms of her devilish beloved, where they kissed and then got to spend the rest of eternity together. Well, as far as we know!
Linda and Charlie
Linda carried on being the best, most patient therapist in LA, and raised her growing son Charlie, who turned out to be a sweet little angel – a real one, with wings! Even though she said she wouldn’t publish her tell-all book about helping Lucifer over the years, we like to think she changed her mind and did it anyway.
Amenadiel rose to the challenge of being God, taking his seat on the throne in the Silver City and becoming the kind of God who didn’t feel comfortable being bowed down to. He welcomed the angels of Heaven to his side, and seemed content with his new path as the universe’s ultimate benevolent deity.
Amenadiel was busy in Heaven, but didn’t ever really leave his family on Earth behind, and took an active role in their lives. He was even there to see Charlie unexpectedly get his wings on his second birthday!
Dan (Kevin Alejandro) managed to get into Heaven after first idling in Hell for years (thanks to Lucifer) and then becoming a frustrated ghost on Earth (thanks to Rory), but he was finally able to move on to the afterlife after he saw Trixie one last time and made peace with leaving his daughter behind, knowing that she was a strong, smart young woman who had nothing but good memories of him and the time they spent together.
We saw that Dan reunited with Charlotte (Tricia Helfer) in Heaven, and the two seemed very much in love. Dan was naturally extremely delighted to find that he still got to eat his favorite dessert in the afterlife: chocolate pudding cups!
Despite the shock of learning the extent of Lucifer’s secret earlier in the season, Ella managed to process all the weirdness that had taken place around her at the LAPD over the years.
Her new relationship with Dan’s official replacement, Carol Corbett (Scott Porter), seemed to be healthy and honest, with both dealing with some personal problems that they were open to discussing. Carol talked in depth to Ella about his alcoholism, and Ella opened up to Carol about her ongoing trauma from dealing with her last boyfriend Pete, who turned out to be a horrific serial killer.
When we left Ella and Carol, they were welcoming a fresh batch of recruits to Ella’s new STEM program, the Miss Lopez STEM Initiative.
Mazikeen and Eve
Maze got cold feet about tying the knot with Eve earlier in the season, and the two learned to accept that not everything in their relationship would be smooth sailing. But after marrying in a very sweet ceremony that involved another well-deserved kick in the emotional nuts for Adam, they partnered up to lay the smackdown on criminals as part of their dream bounty hunter business, and lived life to the max.
Lucifer Season 6 is now streaming on Netflix.