Californication: Dicks, Review
Awkward kisses, public indecency and a few tightly rolled joints. Don't leave us so soon, Hank Moody.
I keep looking for reminders of what I’ll miss when Hank Moody says his final goodbye. What I’ve found are reasons why Californication could still keep up with its Sunday-night competition and shouldn’t leave our screens just yet.
Californication’s latest entry, “Dicks,” relies on the show’s ensemble, specifically its newcomers, to carry the episode. You know the show really hit it right when you pair Hank with a female that doesn’t have to take her clothes off to gain attention. Heather Graham is able to accomplish just that as Julia lets loose and takes the town, and the dentist’s office, by storm. Then we have Levon (Oliver Cooper) and his “surprisingly big dick.” Both continue to grow with each episode. Apparently he has the balls to start a fight with the director over Melanie (Tara Holt). He just needs to remember that “anybody can be a dick.” He should “be a gentleman.”
And there’s Mary Lynn Rajskub—known for her role as Chloe on 24 and beloved for her appearance on Always Sunny as Gail the Snail—who guest stars as Goldie, Charlie’s potential new client. Things get a little weird when she says she went on RedTube and watched Charlie’s masturbation video. Things get weirder when that turns Charlie on and he��s able to produce an erection for the first time in forever, only to end up beating off in the bathroom.
With Julia now cast in Santa Monica Cop and Levon finding a little stability in his job, Californication is setting its new characters up for plenty of screen time. It’s a good thing. We’ve had plenty of Hank over the years. God knows we’ve had more than enough of Hank and Karen. There will come a time, probably a few episodes from now, when the show will begin to tidy up and prepare for the end. For right now, we’re enjoying the new company.
Best of the Rest:
The janitor that enters the bathroom after Charlie loads his, um, stress has one of the tougher jobs in Hollywood.
The director (Jon Kasdan) is an actual director. His character still doesn’t have a name in the show.
I’m interested in what becomes of the Rath/Julia connection. I smell a toxic double date lurking around the corner. Hank and Julia shared a joint and a kiss, but I can’t see that relationship escalating much further if Californication is going to give Hank and Karen enough time to right their wronged relationship before the end of episode 12.
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