Being Human (USA) series 3 episode 7 review: One Is Silver And The Other Pagan
Kaci can't find enough superlatives to praise the current season of Being Human (USA). Here's her review of the latest episode...
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3.7 One is Silver and the Other Pagan
This week’s episode of Being Human (USA) features the return of two of my favourite recurring characters, so naturally I was destined to love it, but wow is this show on fire this season. We’re seven episodes in and there hasn’t been a bad one yet. I am honestly on the verge for forgiving the writers for the entirety of last season. And believe me, I am not readily inclined to forgive that muddled mess.
Returning for the first time in far too long, we have Bridget. Now that Sally’s free to see her friends from her old life, she goes to find the girl who almost shared her original fate. It turns out that, because of her connection to Sally during the whole Danny fiasco, Bridget has sought out a Wicca group that focuses on communicating with the dead. She claims that it gives her a calm, empty feeling, and begs Sally to come with her to their next meeting.
Of course, while they can call forth ghosts, none of them can actually see who they’re talking to. So when they try to call forth a group member’s dead husband, Sally can see that it’s not the husband who shows up, but two other men who are circling the drain the way she once was. One of them possesses Bridget — explaining that “calm, empty feeling,” she claims to experience at her Wicca group — because she is the most open of those in the circle. Sally scares them away before giving Bridget the charm she’s been using to prevent possession. After a touching goodbye, the girls part ways, and I’d like to pretend that I was totally cool about it but I cried a little bit and considering what these two women have been through together, I don’t even feel embarrassed about it. (And then Sally’s hair starts falling out including her scalp and I have no idea, I really don’t. I think I just screamed, “WHAT?!” at my TV for the entire last two minutes of the episode.)
Meanwhile, with the vampires, Kenny has decided that if Aidan won’t turn him, someone else will. Enter Blake, an immature vampire who agrees to turn Kenny when he turns eighteen in exchange for getting to feed on him until then. Aidan tries to talk them both out of it because he’s Aidan and this show wouldn’t exist if these characters didn’t all hate themselves just a little bit. They counter with, “Consenting adults!” and he counters their counter with a judgemental glower.
Somehow in the midst of dealing with the Kenny and Blake drama, Aidan finds time to have a love interest this week. Her name is Kat, she’s living in Nora’s old apartment, and she’s the kind of gal who will bring you baked goods while you wait around in the hospital to see if your loved one will live or die. In short, she’s exactly the kind of girl Aidan would want, and exactly the kind of girl he should probably avoid, lest he end up pissing off Nora even more by accidentally draining her or something. But common sense is in short supply once their witty banter gets going. Kat says, “I love history!” and Aidan replies, “What a coincidence! I lived history!” And really, who needs romance when you have a guy who can talk to you about early American infantry?
So back at the hospital, Aidan tries one last time to convince Kenny to not let Blake turn him, since he doesn’t want Kenny to be tied to her the way Aidan was tied to Bishop. Kenny points out yet again that Aidan has left him no choice, which leads Aidan to finally agree to do it himself. The next time he sees Blake, he basically turns into Bill Compton from True Blood (I feel like I should apologize pre-emptively for putting this in all of your heads, but… come on, you were thinking it already, weren’t you?) and all but shouts at her, “KENNEH IS MAHN!” in a delightfully bad southern accent. I mean, those exact words never leave his lips, but that’s the basic point and if you didn’t make the connection, then… well, congratulations. You probably don’t watch True Blood and thus are spared having to picture the possessive glower-off that’s currently going on in my brain.
Oh, and then Liam finds Blake alone in a dark alley and lets her go when she tells him that Aidan’s a purebred werewolf killer. I don’t buy that Liam would let her go, even in his shock, but mostly I’m just groaning because that is going nowhere positive, I am sure of it. Oh, well. Who doesn’t love a good vampire torture scene, right? We’re bound to get a good one out of this.
And finally… oh, werewolves. They are just breaking my heart this season. You know that feeling when you keep saying that you want character development for a certain person on a show, and then you finally get it and the development is heartbreaking and you kind of wish you’d never wanted it in the first place? That is how I am feeling about Nora this season. She’s my favorite character most days, so of course I’ve been wanting more of her, but lately every time she opens her mouth I just feel so bad for her that I want to retroactively apologize to a fictional character. (What is this show doing to me this season? How is it this good?)
She’s naturally devastated over Erin being injured by Aidan in the ensuing fight after she poisoned his blood, and she blames Aidan because she relates to a teenage girl being abused. (Here come the waterworks.) Josh keeps pointing out that Erin isn’t exactly an innocent in all this, but Nora’s protective of the women around her and it’s only natural she’d be protective of Erin in particular — Erin’s not just her sort-of adoptive ward, she’s Nora’s packmate. In a way, Nora’s wolf almost sort of accepted Erin’s wolf as an adoptive pup.
Then, the best thing happens. Emily, the second of my favorite recurring characters who show up in this episode, arrives to give Josh their grandmother’s engagement ring because she just intuitively knows that he wants to propose to Nora. Emily is the best sister a former werewolf could have, I’m pretty sure.
So after Nora asks Josh if he’d pick Aidan over her now that she kind of hates him and all, Josh says that even though Aidan’s like his brother, he’d still pick Nora because she’s his everything. It’s kind of sweet until Liam shows up and suffocates Erin, leaving Nora to assume she died because of the injuries Aidan inflicted. Aidan shows up while Josh is trying to comfort her and it’s one of those, “This is already coming back to bite you in the butt, dude,” moments. The fact that Aidan doesn’t immediately flee tells me he’s braver than I give him credit for, because an angry Nora is a scary thing indeed. Angry and grief-stricken? Not something I’d want to mess with, that’s for sure.
I hope none of you have high blood pressure, because this episode was tense from start to finish. I don’t think I breathed properly from the start until after the credits had finished rolling. The writers aren’t pulling any punches this season, and I am loving every second of it.
Read Kaci’s review of the previous episode, What’s Blood Got To Do With It?, here.
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