Link Tank: Cyberpunk 2077 Sold Over 13 Million Copies So Far
Cyberpunk 2077 sales, why you should watch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse before it leaves Netflix, facts about Kwanzaa, and more!

Despite a controversial and flawed launch, Cyberpunk 2077 has sold over 13 million copies thus far.
“Cyberpunk 2077 continues to be lambasted for all the problems experienced attempting to play the game, especially on last-gen consoles, but that hasn’t stopped it selling extremely well. As Eurogamer reports, a regulatory filing released yesterday by developer CD Projekt for its investors, reveals the game has sold over 13 million copies as of Dec. 20.”
Don’t forget to watch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse on Netflix before it leaves the streaming service on Christmas Day.
“I started 2018 with Black Panther and ended it with Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. Phew, what a time to be on Team Representation Matters! I spent a LOT of time in 2018 writing about Black Panther for various outlets, but I never got the chance to fully explore my feelings about Miles Morales freefalling to ‘What’s Up Danger.'”
Kwanzaa this year begins on December 26, 2020 and ends on January 1, 2021. Learn some fascinating facts about this cultural holiday.
“More than 50 years after its inception in 1966, Kwanzaa is still being observed the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day by African people around the world. African American Baby Boomers, who came of age during the fiery times of the Black Power movement of the 1960s, cherish and regularly practice Kwanzaa to celebrate and honor black unity and traditional African values.”
Elon Musk reportedly tried to sell Tesla to Apple back in 2011, but Apple CEO Tim Cook did not take a meeting.
“Electric car maker Tesla is soaring high, with a $606.9 billion market cap and a stock price that’s up 813% this year. But Elon Musk really wanted to sell the company to Apple back in the days when Tesla was struggling. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple since 2011, wouldn’t even sit down for a meeting with Musk to discuss the possibility—at least that’s the story according to Musk.”
Netflix’s upcoming romance drama Bridgerton is a stressful story taking place in England’s Regency era.
“You know that question that people sometimes ask, perhaps on a first date or at a work retreat: If you could live in any other time period, which would you choose? It is my ironclad opinion that anyone who does not immediately laugh in that person’s face and maybe splash their drink down the back of their shirt in disdain is a complete psycho with zero notion of historical fact.”
Mars Rover’s seventh year selfie of itself shows just how harsh the environment on the Red Planet is.
“NASA’s Curiosity rover has spent a long seven years on Mars, roaming the Red Planet to search for signs of ancient life. The time spent battling the harsh element of Mars, with its freezing temperatures, harsh winds and dusty storms, has left quite the impact on the car-sized robot.”