The 100 Season 5: What Kind of Mom is Clarke?
We talked to Eliza Taylor about how raising Madi has changed Clarke as a character in The 100 Season 5
One of the biggest character reveals in the The 100 Season 4 finale was that Clarke has been raising a young Nightblood named Madi. Together, they live in an oasis that Praimfaya somehow did not touch. In the latest promo for The 100 Season 5, Clarke refers to Madi as family and we have heard Eliza Taylor speak before about the mother/daughter relationship the two have.
Den of Geek was part of a group of reporters who visited The 100 set in November. While there, we talked to Taylor about how raising Madi has changed Clarke’s character.
“It’s done a lot,” said Taylor of the effect of Madi on Clarke. “I mean, [Clarke]’s gone through tremendous loss in her life, as we all know, over her short time on the ground before the time jump. We thought that she was going to be alone at the end of … of season four, but now having this little sidekick who she loves with all her heart, a surrogate daughter type, she’s found some sort of peace and happiness… until of course the prison ship comes down.”
We’ve seen Clarke as a leader before, but never as a mom. When asked to describe what kind of mom Clarke is, Taylor said that, Clarke is a “good mom,” though she’s “stern with her … because Maddy is cheeky, so she does really have to keep her in line and she’s a very fierce little thing.”
Clarke’s own mother, Abby, is alive and well heading into Season 5. Will Clarke’s new experiences as a mom change how she views her own mother and the choices she’s made?
“Yeah. I think that’s something that we’re going to explore,” said Taylor. “The things that you do to protect your daughter. I think it does help her understand where her mom was coming from on a lot of things that used to grind on her.”
The 100 Season 5 premieres on Tuesday, April 24th at 9 p.m. Stay tuned for more details from our The 100 set visit.