Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Fugitive review
Fugitive is more of a transitional story than previous Lost Missions, but it has engaging ideas and a sympathetic, heroic character.
In the previous episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, “Conspiracy,” I got the sense that the gray-armored clone troopers guarding Kamino were replacing the Separatists as the enemy. There were no real enemies on Kamino, although Fives was trapped by mercenary scientists and a well-intentioned Jedi. In “Fugitive,” that suspicion proved true. “Fugitive” is written by Katie Lucas and directed by Danny Keller. “Fugitive” is a less arresting episode than “Conspiracy.” Fives was fighting for Tup, and now he’s not quite sure what he’s fighting for. In many of the episodes in the Lost Missions I wish the endings were cliffhangers instead of peaceful transitions, and this one is the same.
Nala Se is a pretty strong villain – she has her reasons, she’s being played herself, Fives is ready to shoot her, and Shaak Ti is her foil while also agreeing with some of her methods. On the other hand, in Shaak Ti’s one chance to speak to Fives privately she says “It is not a matter of beliefs, Fives, it is simply the right thing to do,” which sadly doesn’t really deepen Shaak Ti’s character. The droid AZ is much more likable in this episode – I’m attached to him because Tup is, and his mannerisms are cute.
Fives’ escape attempts take the viewer through the Jango Fett cloning facility, bringing the viewer literally closer to the cloning process than ever before. The animation in this episode also shows off some beautifully complicated bubbles and ocean spray. Fives’ grief is a bit left behind in his quest to get the brain sample to the scanner; he’s fighting as much for his own life as he was for Tup, but I would have liked a mention of Tup somewhere in the episode. The only attempt at closure for Fives so far is a well-done confrontation with Nala Se at the very beginning of the episode.
The science behind the inhibitor chip makes sense, as far as science fiction goes, and explains its brief mention in Attack of the Clones. I can see how its removal might make independent, mercenary men resent their superior officers, and one more tweak of brain chemistry could lead to a psychotic rage. I never thought that the mention of it in regards to Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones would be so tied to Revenge of the Sith, and it’s just one part of the Lost Missions that make the prequel movies better.
The moral story is complicated by the presence of Shaak Ti. A Jedi was necessary in the story so that the council’s perspective was present. She’s not quite a bad guy, but she wants to sedate Fives just like Nala does. Perhaps my least favorite part of this episode was when Fives fells a clone trooper with one punch to the back of the head – either Fives knows exactly where and how to hit, or that armor is pretty useless.
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