Misfits series 3 episode 6 review
Misfits takes a couple of gambles, and ups the comedy, in its latest episode. Here's Caroline's review...
This review contains spoilers.
As promised by last week’s preview, it’s the Simon and Rudy show this time, as they go on a mission to uncover the details of the latter’s sexual escapades. This is the ‘safe sex’ message wrapped in a Misfits package, and there are some creative choices that are not only hilarious, but manage to actually drive the story forwards. This is the comedy episode I’ve been waiting for, and though extremely silly in places, it pushes the boundaries of our expectations, and is all the more entertaining for it.
There are two parallel dilemmas, with Simon and Rudy effectively knocking on doors to find the girl who gave him the power-charged STI from hell, and Curtis and Alisha trying to figure out what’s wrong with Cutis’ ability. Turns out, he’s pregnant, and he’s also the father. Only in Misfits, eh?
Definitely in the subplot category, but probably the most important, is Kelly and Seth finally getting it on. Their relationship is more to set up the zombie theme next week, as the new boy takes steps to bring his ex-girlfriend back from the grave.
Despite everyone bringing their A-game, once again, this is Joseph Gilgun’s show. With limited time split in two, he milks those moments for all they’re worth, and actually manages a moment of redemption without his more sensitive half. This is the closest he’s ever going to get to an epiphany, as the fear of losing his most prized appendage drives him to make a very public apology to the women of the world. I’m not sure this is a turning point for the character, and a big part of me secretly hopes it isn’t.
Then there’s his dynamic with Simon, which promised to recreate the popular friendship between Nathan and Simon. In short, it doesn’t. Iwan Rheon doesn’t really get a look in, what with all the flashing, crying and anecdotal ranting from Rudy, even if he is on screen for most of the running time. It might have been unavoidable, but still a little disappointing, when Simon has been the strongest element of many a past episode. I’m sure the writers have something in store for his character in the series’ finale episodes, so maybe it’s better not to get sick of him now.
I also had some trouble with the power of the week, which stretches the boundaries of disbelief to their very limits. The power to manipulate dairy products was one thing, but the ability to give out STIs to guys who screw you over? Maybe not. What was it about her personality that assigned her that power during the storm?
Then there’s the hunt for the owner of the pregnancy test, engineered to make Seth believe Kelly’s pregnant. It’s generic and quite annoying when you’re more eager to get back to the more interesting plot-lines, and doesn’t give Kelly and Seth’s storyline the credibility it deserves.
It’s still a hoot and a half, bringing forth an old fashioned CSI mystery plot and adding new elements to a Misfits that was, for me, wavering slightly. The pair piece together the clues of where and with who Rudy was the previous night, and the show, like always, is not afraid to take it in some weird and wonderful places in search of a laugh. The element of surprise has returned along with the fun factor, and they are both very, very welcome after a couple of quite sombre weeks. Misfits does drama brilliantly, but they are also stellar at hitting the comedy notes other shows daren’t try.
Next week looks like another classic episode, with zombie cheerleaders sounding like a boat load of fun. Curtis now has the power to raise the dead, and with the amount of people that seem to die around the gang, it looks like he’s going to have to use it. See you there.
Read our review of the last episode, here.