Grimm season 5 episode 3 review: Lost Boys
Grimm delivers a fairly workaday season 5 episode, showing only frustrating glimpses of the Wesen Uprising and Truble's disappearance...
This review contains spoilers.
5.3 Lost Boys
This third episode of the new season of Grimm is, to quite a large degree, a return to the familiar Wesen of the Week storylines that have traditionally been the show’s bread and butter.
Lost Boys sees Nick and Hank coupled up once more to fight crime – in this case it’s a group of orphaned teens with abandonment issues. The episode draws on Peter Pan (we are introduced to characters called Peter, Wendy, and the villain, Hooke) and features a gang of kids living in the wild, who decide to kidnap nice women to be their ‘mother’.
The twist is that Rosalee’s kindness makes her a target, prompting a search and rescue mission led by Monroe.
This tale of teenage petulance takes up around ninety percent of the episode, unfortunately leaving only a few minutes to expedite the Wesen uprising storyline, and the disappearance of Truble. For the most part, the plot only served to reinforce the notion that teenagers are the worst.
On the domestic front, Nick and Adalind become closer: emotionally and literally. They move into a converted paint factory with steel shutters and an electronic entry system, with Nick concerned for all of their safety. He doesn’t actually say who they’re hiding from, so we have to presume it’s either the Royals, or the bad guys that Chavez warned him about.
The two discuss when they first set eyes on each other, mirroring a familiar conversation between a regular couple. “You were my first,” Nick tells Adalind, meaning she was the first Wesen he ever saw. She replies that he too, was her first sighting of a Grimm. This is flirting, Grimm-style.
Later on she asks Nick to share her bed, as she can’t sleep in her new surroundings – and Nick complies. It’s only a matter of time, guys. (Anorak watch update: it does come off when Nick goes to bed.)
The only other things to note in this episode were that Meisner pays a visit to Renard, and tells him the truth, that the King is dead, and Diana is safe “with friends”.
Interestingly, we discover that it was Viktor who engineered the assassination, put out as he was that Kenneth had replaced him in his father’s eyes. Which is odd, as Meisner is a key player in the resistance, which hates the royals. Seemingly, a deal was brokered whereby the King was killed and the resistance got to keep Diana. This puts Viktor on the throne, so will we see a return by the king of comic villainy?
Meisner asks Renard to keep his visit a secret, which will be a test of the Captain’s allegiance to Nick. My take is that he’ll keep the information to himself, until a time when it’s in his best interests to reveal it.
Finally, in the episode’s closing minutes the plot circles back to let us glimpse the dark powers behind the malevolent organisation, “Occultus Liberare”, that’s quietly waging war on humankind. It seems foster care – or ‘the system’ as it is universally referred to in US cop shows – is a hunting ground for the group, with an abundance of troubled youngsters making for the next batch of new recruits to the cause.
We also discover who – or what – Meisner was keeping locked up all this time. Fans who were worries this was the reappearance of Juliette can relax, because it’s Truble!
Meisner unlocks her call door, telling her “It’s time.” Time for what? Oh there’s the end credits.
This episode was a little frustrating, for the most, with a fairly pedestrian plot dominating the hour. However, the couple of scraps we were thrown indicate there are better things to come, particularly if Truble is to be let loose.
We shall keep our fingers crossed for next week.
Read Christine’s review of the previous episode, Clear And Wesen Danger, here.