Being Human (USA) season 3 episode 6 review: What’s Blood Got To Do With It?
Being Human (USA) continues its winning streak by delivering another strong episode. Here's Kaci's review...
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3.6 What’s Blood Got To Do With It?
I have never been a huge fan of Trips to the Department of Bad Accents and Wigs, but if you’re the kind of fan who enjoys vampire flashbacks, then this episode was for you! (And even I can’t dislike them too much; they do provide an excuse to bring Mark Pellegrino back, and really… any excuse at all will do for me.)
It starts when Kenny offers to feed Aidan (and asks a lot of hilarious vampire questions, such as if Aidan sparkles in sunlight – I wanted to giggle but then I remembered that for a lot of people that is their only exposure to the vampire mythos and then I mostly wanted to cry) and Aidan reluctantly agrees.
A quarter of a century ago, human Aidan finds Bishop feeding on soldiers and tries to run him through with a bayonet. The ensuing fight is completely laughable, but I mean that in a good way. A fight between a human and a vampire should be laughable, because one of them has a distinct advantage. So after Bishop kicks Aidan’s ass six ways to Sunday, he offers Aidan a deal: either he will turn Aidan, or he will slaughter all of Aidan’s fellow soldiers.
And because Aidan has a very good heart but makes all the worst decisions, he opts to become a vampire in order to spare them. Which sort of works, except then he insists on going to join them and ends up draining his friend Benjamin in a fit of hunger. You tried, Aidan. Have a gold star.
So back in the present, Kenny asks Aidan to turn him, and naturally Aidan doesn’t want to since being a vampire kind of sucks. Kenny, however, points out that he turns eighteen next year and plans on leaving his bubble as soon as he’s of age. If Aidan doesn’t turn him, he’ll probably catch something and die. If Aidan does opt to turn him, at least he’ll stand a chance. For those of you keeping score at home, that’s Kenny’s Logic: 1, Aidan’s Delicate Sensibilities: 0
Meanwhile, Sally’s brother Robbie is suddenly in town and claiming to be the new landlord. Sally, however, doubts this, since apparently he’s all sorts of trouble. But after she takes Josh and Aidan aside for that conversation, Max is hurt that she talks to her roommates about her problems, but not him. It’s a fair point considering that he has no idea that her problems involve being the risen dead, but from her perspective…yeah, I wouldn’t tell him, either.
Things get worse, as they tend to do, when she runs into Robbie on the street, prompting her to run to the witch, Donna, to demand a way to fix this. After a seriously impressive show of power, Donna offers to fix it so that Sally can live a normal life and won’t cause the people who knew her to die… if Sally agrees to give Donna her soul when she dies. Sally makes pretty much the same point as Kenny: they’re trapped inside their boxes and unless they have the ability to live their lives freely, then they’re not really living at all. And whatever the consequence may be (becoming a vampire, giving up her soul), it’s worth it. So Sally agrees and has a touching goodbye scene with her brother before making up with Max.
Over in werewolf land… oh, Erin. I am so disappointed in you. You’ve completely dashed my hopes of adorable werewolf family scenes. I feel like going all Tyra Banks on you right now, but you’re fictional so I’ll just have to settle for making frowny faces at the TV.
Alright, I guess I should back up. Erin and Josh spend the entire episode arguing (Nora is MIA this week, to my eternal sadness), leading Josh to realize that he’s basically turned into his mother, and I want to be touched by him turning into a dad but I can’t because of Erin. (We were all rooting for you!)
In all seriousness, I really was rooting for her. I liked the werewolf family storyline and though Erin’s betrayal feels inevitable and in-character, it breaks my heart. It makes perfect sense that, as an orphan, she would love to join Liam’s pack and feel like she has a family… especially since her current sort-of-adoptive family is constantly yelling at her.
It’s still hard to watch her taint Aidan’s safe blood with her own and then stand over him with a stake while he bleeds from the eyeballs and writhes on the ground. My only hope at this point is that because she has werewolf blood, whatever happened that time Aidan fed on Josh will somehow negate the virus. Even that’s hollow, though, because somehow I just don’t think that Erin is going to apologize and make nice, thus restoring my werewolf family dreams.
I should state, though, that as disappointed as I am in Erin, this was a really solid episode of the show. It was really nice to see Sally take front and centre for awhile and get some great character development. I’m sad but I loved the episode a lot.
Read Kaci’s review of the previous episode, Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Mouth, here.
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