Arrested Development: Colony Collapse, Review

Gob's first episode, joke heavy and keeping us loving the season more and more.


Will Arnett has been in demand since booting his last illusion as Gob back in 2006. Scheduling conflicts at the start of production on season four could be a reason why we see less of Gob in the return of Arrested Development than we would have liked. I guess we can’t blame Arnett for shooting a film with Megan Fox, as well as his new series for CBS, The Millers, but we can attest to the fact that he has come into his own as an actor in the years after Arrested Development’s future was “abruptly cancelled”.Arnett was given multiple chances to carry his own series, but as “Colony Collapse” shows, it takes the right character and the right script to reward an actor’s effort. Arnett puts plenty of emotion into a character that no one has believed in and he channels that into a performance as strong as anyone in this all-star cast. Gob, along with Tobias, is capable of carrying an episode. Much like the laugh fest that Tobias provided, Gob’s first episode is joke heavy. It doesn’t serve to move along the narrative of the series like Michael or George Sr.’s episodes. Gob has little impact on the direction of the family business and that leaves room for some exploration within Gob’s life that has up until this point, has been somewhat held back.Call it a flair for the dramatic, but Gob always had this star quality to him, even if he’s basically talentless. Luckily in California you need to just roll with the celebrities to feel like you’ve accomplished something. Gob finally feels like he found a group that accepts him for who he is, when he joins the entourage of a young pop star, Mark Cherry. Some of the best comedy of the episode comes out of Gob’s interactions with his younger posse. Cherry’s ode to Gob, “Getaway” will be stuck in my head for a long time. I need to make that my ringtone immediately.The episode has two distinct acts. The Veals have an extended stay in the first half of the episode when “Marry Me” fails Gob because “like many evangelicals, Ann took it literally.” Ann Veal might be just as bland as before but she brings out some of the best of Gob, as he devises an extravagant illusion to ditch his bride at the alter. Gob is hurt to discover that no one in his family, save Tobias, attends his wedding, a solid scene that could have benefitted from an appearance from the Bluth Family. (Editor: Please note the awesomeness that is Clint Howard)Gob’s interactions with his family are short, but you can see that Arnett never lost the chemistry he had with his co-stars. Written into the strongest plot of the season to date, Arnett brought the “spectacularity” in “Colony Collapse” and we still get another episode to enrich his story. His first attempt at backing back the magic is as pleasing as it is a reminder how great the cast is when they all come together.



Other Notes:
I absolutely lost it when Rebel’s PSA was for yelling “fire” in a crowded bar.The “And Jeremy Piven” sign on the club Gob frequents is a nice homage to Entourage.Ron Howard has exceptional insight: “As she unzipped her pajamas it reminded him of past situations which he’s successfully been aroused.”Gob’s idea of fourth base is Pete Rose in Jockey underwear. Dive in headfirst!I’d pay plenty of coin to see Tobias in the Miracle Network movie “A Jew Comes to Dinner.” 
Den Of Geek Score: 4.5 Out Of 5 Stars
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4.5 out of 5