Sex And The City 2 review
We find a flat-out Sex And The City geek to go and review the new film. Because the rest of us didn't want to...
So then. There weren’t many volunteers in the Den Of Geek hut who were in the slightest bit keen to go and see Sex And The City 2, let alone write words about it. However, given that we’re covering every other summer blockbuster, and given that we didn’t want to go and just do a hatchet job, we went the other way. We went and found a Sex And The City nerd. Thus, for those who have told us off for sneering in the direction of the film before, this one is for you…
Love it or hate it, the return of Sex and the City has caused quite a stir in recent weeks, and last night saw the premiere of what was by all accounts an over hyped fashion show. Having been a fan of the long running series I was eagerly awaiting the events that lay in store my four favourite New York fashionistas.
Picking up from where the first SATC left us, we find Carrie still married to the elusive Big. Their marriage seems to be plodding along although you get the feeling this isn’t enough for the once=famed party girl. With John (his name should always be Big!) preferring the quieter nights of TV and takeout, Carrie is left frustrated at what her once crazy single life has become.
Meanwhile, with Miranda failing to find the time for home life and Charlotte struggling to cope with being the mother of two, a trip to Abu Dhabi seems like the answer to all their problems. This welcomed break comes with help from Samantha’s old flame Smith, who since we last saw him has finally made the big time…shooting a film in the middle of the Arabian desert.
After what feels like a finely tuned 10 minute sales pitch from the Tourism Board of Abi Dhabi the girls are escorted to the best hotel that money can buy. With cocktails in hand and their own private butlers there was only one thing missing…shopping!
From here on in though, the story seems to lose any grip on reality (if it hadn’t already just by looking at their wardrobes!).
As if bumping into her ex Aidan wasn’t bizarre enough, the story twists and turns into what eventually feels like a slapstick comedy. There are plenty of predictable one-liners that you can’t help but chuckle at, yet the girls seemed to portray the same characteristics as they have for the last ten years. Being a SATC fan I gave it the benefit of doubt, thinking ‘something jaw droppingly exciting has to happen surely?’.
Sadly this is not the case. The story lacked any real sparkle and I found myself questioning why they felt the need to produce a second film. The eccentric plot line, although laugh out loud in parts, lacked much sense of believability.
Without spoiling the ending, the Carrie and Aidan plot does have potential, but the setting of the Arabian desert just doesn’t seem to ring true. Isn’t the point of Sex and The City to be about the city of New York and the crazy adventures of four friends? Yes it’s ten years later and yes they all have to grow up at some point, but it really does feel like a film for film’s sake.
This would be a good Saturday night out with your girlfriends, but if you’re looking for a serious contender to follow on from the glory days of the show I think you’ll be sadly disappointed.