Final Recall: Wesley Snipes returns in a new trailer

August will bring us a brand new Wesley Snipes movie, and you can see the trailer right here...

Wesley Snipes was released from prison for tax evasion back in 2013, but since then we’ve not seen too much of him in the world of films. The iconic Blade actor has appeared briefly in Expendables 3 and Spike Lee’s Chi-Raq, but other than that he’s been MIA from movies.

2017, however, will provide a bountiful supply of Snipes. He’s set to have three movies out before the end of the year, the first of which is Final Recall (aka The Recall elsewhere), a sci-fi film in which he stars alongside Breaking Bad’s R.J. Mitte and Jedidiah Goodacre from Tomorrowland. He’ll play a character only referred to as ‘The Hunter’, and the trailer sells the movie as somewhere between Cabin Fever and Skyline, which has us absolutely intrigued. 

Take a look for yourselves…

And here’s the synopsis:

“A group of friends are spending the weekend at a cabin on the lake while, unbeknownst to them, aliens have begun to attack planet Earth. A number of the friends are abducted immediately by the ship hovering above, and the remaining two of the group, Annie and Charlie, must rely on an eccentric and dangerous hunter who seems to have special knowledge of the attack, explaining that this day has been prophesised for years and extraterrestrials have been guiding Earth’s evolution in preparation for their ultimate takeover.”

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If you fancy checking Final Recall out, it’ll be available via digital download on August 14th, and will hit DVD shelves a week later on the 21st.