Crisis On Infinite Earths Confirms DCEU Movies With Ezra Miller Cameo
Ezra Miller as The Flash wins for the most unexpected (and potentially the most delightful) Crisis On Infinite Earths cameo.
There are few things more delightful than watching Ezra Miller geek out about something—which is why he is so goddamn delightful in the DCEU as The Flash. Fans of his incarnation of Barry Allen, properly introduced in the Justice League movie after a brief cameo in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, are still waiting for a big-screen standalone adaptation of Flash’s very own. With The Flash movie slated for a faraway 2022 release, it was pretty amazing (and very unexpected) to see Miller pop up much sooner, in Crisis On Infinite Earths.
The cameo came in “Part Four” of the Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover event, as part of the Arrowverse’s Flash (played by the also-killing-it Grant Gustin) search to find his missing friends in the Speed Force before they, you know, fall out and die. The results are hilarious and…kind of heartwarming? It turns out Barry Allen meeting Barry Allen is exactly the kind of polite nerd out you might expect.
“Is this cosplay? Oh, you want a selfie, bro?” Miller’s Flash asks Gustin’s Flash, who he notices is dressed a bit like him—though with some notable differences in their suits. Miller’s Flash continues: “I like your outfit. It seems… comfy. Smooth. It’s breathable.” Maybe this will lead to Miller’s Flash getting a costume a little more appropriate for superspeed running by the time his movie rolls around.
Both Flashes are understandably confused about the situation, though Gustin’s Flash has a lot more to go on. Not only has Miller’s Flash not yet been called The Flash in his own universe, but he has no idea what’s going on in the events of Crisis On Infinite Earths—or that the multiverse definitively exists.
“What the hell is this?!” Miller’s Flash asks when he first arrives on scene.
“What are you doing here?” Gustin’s Flash asks back.
“Well, I’ll tell you that when you tell me where here is.”
Miller’s Flash fades away before they can finish their conversation, but not before he mentions “I told Victor this was possible”—the “this” most likely referring to the multiverse and the “Victor” most likely referring to Victor Stone, aka Cyborg, played by Ray Fisher in Justice League.
It will be interesting to hear more about how this film-TV crossover came to be in the coming days, now that the cameo has come and gone unspoiled. Miller has long been talking about the possibility of doing some kind of crossover with Gustin. Back in 2016, Miller told MTV News that he had yet to meet Gustin, but he seemed open to the possibility.
“He’s a boss,” Miller said. “I can’t wait to see him, eye to eye, adrift in the Speed Force — our eyes will lock and, in that moment, we will both know the truth. What truth? I dare not say.” Um, did Ezra Miller prophesize this scene back in 2016?
read more – Crisis on Infinite Earths: Who Are Superman’s Sons?
Interesting and unexpected that the eye-locking happened not on the big screen, but on the ole idiot box. There was a time when The CW had to write characters out of their Arrowverse shows because they were set to appear in the DC Extended Universe world. Now, we’ve got the big-screen Flash making house calls. Could the DCEU return the favor? Now that Miller’s Flash has broken the barrier between the worlds, anything seems possible…
You can check out the full Crisis On Infinite Earths Flash cameo scene below…
Kayti Burt is a staff editor covering books, TV, movies, and fan culture at Den of Geek. Read more of her work here or follow her on Twitter @kaytiburt.