An end of year letter to the readers of Den Of Geek
A sneaky letter to you fine folks, as we hope to distract you from the fact we're going quieter for a bit...
Dear the fine, wonderful, tasteful and appreciated readers of this site,
We’ve written you a letter. We’re hoping in a strange way that it’s the first time you’ve read one of our letters, because that means we’ve got a paragraph or two before you rumble we’re about to peg it for Christmas. So let’s assume that, and move on quickly.
There are a few bits of business we want to get through.
Firstly, we want to say a genuine, heartfelt thank you. We do say this quite often, and we’re genuinely not fishing, but we know not why you choose us as a website worthy of your eyeballs. We can but assure you we don’t, and won’t take that for granted. Your support means the world to us, and we thank you so much for it.
Next, we want to salute some of the people behind the scenes. To Kimberley and her terrifying Netflix recently watched list, Vikki, Jess, Finn, Riyad, other Jess, Chris and the planet’s finest collection of checked shirts, Jen Of Geek, other Jen Of Geek, Mike and the US team, James, Pete, Pierrick, Will, Cristina, Luke, Carys, David, Ross, Israt, Abdul, Bieber Jared, Chris, Tariq, Peter, Juan, Nick, Matt, Marcelo, Sam, Praveen, and everyone we’ve accidentally missed out: thank you. To those who join us for the morning DoGMRoD on Twitter, too: special thanks as well. You really help keep us going on some cold and chilly mornings!
Then, if we may, this.
It’s felt a bit of a divisive year for geekdom, and for the first time in the years we’ve been running this site, it’s sometimes felt a little nasty. Might we therefore make a suggestion? Between us all, can we continue to show the world in the year(s) ahead that geekdom is about inclusiveness, about sharing things we love, and about welcoming people. Sure, that doesn’t mean we don’t have a big row if we find out someone likes that John McClane cosplay movie (A Good Day To Can’t Even Say It), but that it’s friendly.
There’s enough poison in the world, and we feel strongly that geekdom and geek culture is about human beings, about being decent, about wildly disagreeing, but in a friendly spirit. Let’s continue to not tolerate bullies. Let’s stand next to the people who are on the receiving end of a bully’s tirade, and show them kindness and support. Let’s shine a light on the best of people, rather than amplifying the worst.
We can all only do that one day at a time, but that might just be enough. We’ll give it a try if you will. Deal?
And yep, we’re taking things a little easier for the next week or two. We’ve got a few television reviews, a few features here and there, and one or two bits may pop up (not least our film of the year countdown). But we’ll be back in earnest at the start of January, for what promises – can’t tell you yet – to be a very big year for Den Of Geek.
More important than us, though: we hope the forthcoming festive season – whether it fills you with excitement or dread – finds you a few smiles. You people stay awesome, stay brilliant. We’re proud as punch to write for you.
Simon, Ryan and LouisaDen Of Geek.