The Last of Us 2 Leaked Plot Confirmed by Naughty Dog
Major cutscenes and story details from The Last of Us Part 2 have seemingly been leaked ahead of the game's June release date.

The Last of Us Part 2‘s story has been leaked. Various clips that showcase nearly the entirety of the game’s story have made their way online. Naughty Dog has recently confirmed the leak via a tweet that asks fans to not spoil the game for others and to avoid spoilers if possible.
The extent of this leak is massive. Not only do these leaked clips include nearly every major cutscene from The Last of Us Part 2, but it seems that fans have also gotten their hands on a leaked level list that details the story structure of the sequel.
The initial uploads of the leaked clips in question were apparently spread on a YouTube channel. While those uploads were taken down relatively quickly, they were available long enough to make their way to various other online channels. As such, if you’re trying to avoid spoilers, you need to be very, very careful when using social media for the next few days. Pretty much any search related to The Last of Us Part 2, which could even include forums discussing the HBO adaptation of the series, can lead you to the details of these leaks.
Naughty Dog confirmed the leak hours after it’d made its way online. While the studio notes that it believes that the final experience will be worth your patience and restraint, fans who are trying to go into the game with fresh eyes will certainly have to work a bit harder to be able to do so.
How did this happen? At the moment, the popular theory seems to be that it was leaked by a disgruntled Naughty Dog employee. However, there’s been no official word regarding the source of the leak. As such, it might be wise to treat all discussions you hear on that subject as speculation until more definitive information becomes available.
We’re not going to comment on the nature of these spoilers or even the reaction that fans are having to them. As we said, the leaked information is everywhere at this point, so if you’re looking for that information, you won’t have to look too hard.
Needless to say, this is certainly an unfortunate situation for Naughty Dog. As you may know, Naughty Dog recently had to delay The Last of Us Part 2 indefinitely due to the spread of COVID-19. With the news that the game has officially been delayed until June, fans have weeks to binge on these potential spoilers if they desire to do so.
We’ll bring you more information regarding this leak as it becomes available.