Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Season 2, Episode 1, Review

Telltale's first chapter of season two is everything you'd expect it to be and more...

Genre: Adventure

Release Date: 12/18/2013 (Xbox 360 (REVIEWED), iOS, iPhone); 12/17/2013 (Mac, PS3, PC)

Publisher: Telltale Games

Developer: Telltale Games

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Telltale came in 2012 and swept us away with their harrowing tale of Lee and Clementine with their episodic series based on the most popular television show on the air: The Walking Dead. Clementine’s journey in Season One is undeniably heart-wrenching, and although it’s not a very gamey game (yes, I said gamey), it was thoroughly enjoyed by millions and was mentioned during December’s Game of the Year talks last year. Telltale looks to continue their journey, and the journey of Clementine, with Season Two’s “All That Remains” episode, and the results are incredible.

Even though this first episode won’t take you long to complete—it won’t take you more than an hour and a half—it’s positively a proper continuation from last year’s The Walking Dead: Season One. In just an hour and a half, you’re taken on a roller-coaster of emotions fit for AMC’s iteration of the series. Somehow, during a zombie apocalypse, Telltale Games has made us put the zombies in the back of our mind and focus on human conflict—both internal and external conflict. And, this first chapter in Season Two does that very well.

From the very beginning of the episode, it’s clear that our unlikely protagonist isn’t your typical little girl. She is in it to survive, and does many things during ‘All That Remains’ that your average little girl wouldn’t be able to do—some of it is a little hard for me to watch, even.

But, the shocking events of the episode provide for some incredibly difficult choices, especially in the episode’s last few minutes. You’ll find yourself caring for Clementine more than ever, as ‘All That Remains’ does exactly what it’s supposed to do: make us want Episode 2.

Den of Geek Rating:  9 out of 10

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