Star Wars: Dark Forces Remake Imagined in Fan Video
These fan-made UI interfaces for Star Wars: Dark Forces are truly mouthwatering.

A talented Star Wars fan named Arvy Brazdeikis has provided a tantalizing tease of what a modern remake of Star Wars: Dark Forces might look like. The original game launched in 1995 for MS-DOS and Macintosh before reaching the original PlayStation in 1996. It is still fondly remembered among the best Star Wars games.
And now Arvy Brazdeikis has put together a video, imagining what the user interfaces of Star Wars: Dark Forces would look like through a modern lens. The result is one of those fan videos that make you hope the powers that be, which would be Disney and/or EA in this case, take note of this awesomeness and put an official remake into production.
Until such a time comes to pass, we’ll just have to make do with this video, which offers an epic glimpse of what Dark Forces might look like if it had the budget and technology to match the likes of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Take a look for yourself here…
This isn’t the first time that a fan has reimagined Dark Forces, and we’re sure it won’t be the last either, but doesn’t this new video look great? Brazdeikis’ video only adds to our desire to see Kyle Katarn, the iconic protagonist of Dark Forces and various other classic Star Wars games, reintroduced to the canon and given a shiny new release in which to shine. A mercenary that later becomes a Jedi, Katarn is a character that lots of gamers have had memorable experiences with.
As well as the snazzy menus and the eye-watering interfaces, it’s particularly nice to see imagery of Genevieve O’Reilly, who played Mon Mothma in Rogue One and a Revenge of the Sith deleted scene, spliced into the game to show how Dark Forces could fit into the post-Disney-takeover era of Star Wars.
As it stands, we don’t really know what the future of Star Wars gaming will hold. A sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order appears to be in the works, but we wouldn’t say no to some retro remakes like this. We’ll be sure to keep you posted if we hear anything.