LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Every Extra Mode
If you've ever wondered if Star Wars would be better with baguette lightsabers, dance parties, and mumbling, The Skywalker Saga has you covered.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is filled with enough content to ensure that most gamers and Star Wars fans will be able to return to the title for weeks and months to come. After all, the game adapts all nine major Star Wars films (not including Rogue One or Solo) and features a galaxy’s worth of unlockable characters and vehicles. But what happens when someone wants to alter the gameplay loop or make an already comedic game even wackier? Why, they unlock the game’s various Extra modes, of course!
Throughout The Skywalker Saga, players will be able to unlock unique game modes. They essentially act like cheat codes that allow players do everything from earn additional in-game currency faster to converting the galaxy into one big dance party. Many of these cheats should feel familiar to LEGO Star Wars veterans, while others were invented just for this game.
Here’s a quick guide that should help LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga players cheat faster (and more honorably) than Sebulba.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Studs x2, Studs x4, Studs x6, Studs x8, and Studs x10
As the name suggests, Studs x2 makes every stud in the game worth twice as much as its base value. Some players might be tempted to skip this mode and save all their studs for Stud x10, but Studs x2 makes earning the studs required to unlock additional multipliers (or anything else) much easier. Plus, stud multiplier effects stack. Studs x2 costs 1,000,000 studs to unlock.
Each subsequent Studs multiplier upgrade functions identically to Studs x2 but raises the number of studs you acquire by whatever amount is indicated by the multiplier bonus. The Studs x4 extra will set you back 2,000,000 studs, Studs x6 costs 8,000,000 studs, Studs x8 retails for a whopping 48,000,000 studs, and unlocking Studs x10 requires you to shell out 384,000,000 studs. Here’s hoping you unlocked all the other stud multiplier bonuses first.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Super GNK Droid
The first silly game mode in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga goes full ham. Super GNK Droid, as its name suggests, adds a special GNK Droid (i.e., the box-like robots that go “gonk”) to the player’s party. Unlike regular GNK Droids, this one is colored gold, is invincible, and moves very fast. Also, it sports a mustache for reasons that are only known to the game’s developers. Super GNK Droid costs 1,000,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Porg Companion
Porgs were added to Star Wars canon because the on-shot location for The Last Jedi‘s Ahch-To scenes was filled with puffins, and the filmmakers thought it was easier to digitally alter the birds instead of removing them entirely during post-production. Porgs soon turned into the sequel trilogy’s mascots, and players can acquire a Porg pet of their own in The Skywalker Saga thanks to the Porg Companion extra. However, the game’s Porg isn’t just for show; it can also startle enemies with its piercing scream. For only 500,000 studs, Porg Companion is as cheap as it is helpful.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Baguette Lightsabers
Have you ever bought two baguettes just so you and a friend could pretend they were lightsabers? Well, the Baguette Lightsabers cheat turns in-game lightsabers…into baguettes. The result is purely cosmetic, though, so you don’t have to sweep up crumbs after use. Baguette Lightsabers is available for a paltry 250,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Galaxy Rave
This cheat’s title is a bit of a misnomer. When activated, Galaxy Rave turns the entire game’s free play mode into one big dance (complete with flashing lights and music), although the results could probably sooner be classified as “funky disco” rather than as a rave. Unfortunately, this game mode comes with a huge caveat: NPCs will be too busy grooving out to help you. This extra mode is the most expensive cheat in the game and costs 500,000,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Television Mode
Unlike most of the additional modes included in The Skywalker Saga, Television Mode affects the entire screen and renders everything in an “old-timey screen effect.” Not much else to this extra except you can’t use Television Mode and Retro Mode at the same time. Since Television Mode is purely cosmetic, it only costs 250,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Hologram Mode
Do playable characters and their ships look too solid for your liking? Hologram Mode removes their opacity and turns them into flickering, translucent holograms. However, this effect is purely cosmetic, which is probably part of the reason why it costs a mere 500,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Retro Mode
Like Television Mode, Retro Mode completely alters how the game looks. This time, the cheat washes the screen in a “retro style.” Retro Mode costs 250,000 studs, and it can’t be activated while using Television Mode.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock GNK Civilians
The developers of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga really love their GNK Droids. Not only can players unlock a game mode that gives them an invincible GNK partner, but GNK Civilians turns every civilian in the game into a rotund robot. This game mode requires 1,000,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Mumble Mode
Before LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, characters in licensed LEGO video games didn’t talk. Instead, they grunted, mumbled, and uttered the occasional “Ooh” and “Aah.” The original LEGO Star Wars games were no exception, and The Skywalker Saga lets players return to that classic presentation style thanks to Mumble Mode. This extra option, when activated, replaces every spoken line of dialogue with indecipherable gibberish. Of course, unless players turn on subtitles (or have memorized every line in the Star Wars franchise) that means they won’t know what’s going on during cutscenes. Unlike other extra modes, Mumble Mode is completely free and available from the start.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Comedy Weapons
Baguette Lightsabers turns lightsabers into long loaves of french bread, but why should melee weapons get all the fun? Comedy Weapons replaces every ranged weapon with “silly” alternatives. Much like Baguette Lightsabers, Comedy Weapons is completely cosmetic and costs 250,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Rainbow Effects
Rainbow Effects is a fairly simple extra mode. When active, the cheat replaces certain attack effects with a sparkly rainbow variant. These attacks don’t deal additional damage or anything; they’re just an extra way to make enemies see stars for the low cost of 250,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Cantina Music
That notoriously catchy cantina music is almost as memorable as the main Star Wars theme. Of course, every song, no matter how upbeat, will grate on audiences if it’s looped long enough, which is where the Cantina Music cheat comes into play. This mode plays that earworm of a cantina song on loop until deactivated. The cheat is the ultimate test of fortitude that challenges gamers to play as long as possible while accompanied by Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes. Cantina Music can be unlocked for 250,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Big Head Mode
Many old video games feature an unlockable mode called “DK Mode” that gave every character a giant head and arms (much like…well, Donkey Kong). While LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga doesn’t have that classic cheat, it offers the next best thing with Big Head Mode. As the cheat’s name suggests, the optional mode inflates the heads of most playable characters to ludicrous sizes (though some characters are unfortunately immune to its effects). This cheat is available for 500,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Pew Pew
The LEGO movies have a running gag where most gun SFX are replaced by mouth-made sounds such as “bang” and “pew.” While Star Wars characters never got to join in on the onomatopoeia, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga’s Pew Pew mode fixes this oversight. True to its name, this cheat replaces every ranged weapon’s sound with a mouth-made equivalent. It’s yours to enjoy for only 500,000 studs.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Universal Translator
The creatures in Star Wars movies speak a variety of languages, but even though audiences rarely understand them outside of the occasional subtitle, in-universe characters typically have no trouble translating. Maybe they all have something akin to The Skywalker Saga’s Universal Translator cheat, which lets any playable character understand any language. This unlockable mode lets players do anything outside of comprehending every utterance of Aqualish, Shyriiwook, and other alien languages without relying on C-3PO. For 500,000 studs you can finally know what everyone is saying without having to bring a Protocol Droid along.