Battlefield 2042: Every Open Beta Gun
Battlefield 2042's open beta gives us a small taste of the game's full arsenal of guns and weapons.

Battlefield 2042‘s open beta might be…kind of rough, but it does offer a nice preview of what we can expect from the full game, including a look at some of the guns and weapons that will eventually define the meta.
While the Battlefield 2042 open beta doesn’t include every gun that will be available in the full game when Battlefield 2042 launches on November 19, it does feature a small selection of what figures to be the game’s most noteworthy weapons as well as a valuable preview of which Battlefield 2042 guns you’ll want to start paying attention to if you’re hoping to dominate the full game in a little over a month.
With that out of the way, here’s a better look at every gun featured in the Battlefield 2042 open beta:
Battlefield 2042: Every Open Beta Gun and Weapon
While the Battlefield 2042 open beta only offers what we suspect will ultimately be less than half of the total number of guns available in the game, it does let you at least try out at least one entry in most of the major weapon classes. Most of these guns will be available to you at the start, but some will need to be unlocked as you play the open beta and level up.
- PBX-45
- K30
Assault Rifles
- M5A3
- AK-24
- G57
- M44
Marksman Rifles
- DM7
Sniper Rifles
- SWS-10
- MCS-880
Explosive Guns
- M5
- FXM-33 AA
Throwable Weapons
- Frag Grenade
- Prox Sensor
Battlefield 2042: Best Open Beta Guns and Attachements
While we won’t know what the best guns in Battlefield 2042 are until we’ve had a chance to…you know…use them all, these are a few of the early standout weapons from the beta.
The K30 may just be the best overall gun in the Battlefield 2042 beta. While this weapon barely has more range than the average Battlefield shotgun, that tends not to matter when you’ve got an SMG that is this accurate and fires this quickly. Any player that suspects they’re going to have to get in close during a match may want to start learning to love this gun now.
- Factory Barrel
- K8 Holo Signt
- Extended Magazine
- Cobra Grip
The M5A3 isn’t the most exciting gun in Battlefield 2042 (it’s your standard assault rifle), but there’s nothing really wrong with the gun. The M5A3’s versatility and reliability make it the kind of gun you can pretty much always turn to if you need something you can depend on in pretty much every situation. Of course, you’ll need to look elsewhere if you’re looking to dominate at close and long ranges.
- Extended Barrel
- Fusion Holo Sight
- Standard Issue Magazine
- 40MM HE Grenade Launcher
The SWS-10 may be the only proper sniper rifle in the Battlefield 2042 beta, but it definitely feels like it’s going to be a top-tier sniper option even in the full game. This bolt-action gun is a pure powerhouse with the kind of bullet velocity you’re looking for if you’re trying to focus on sniping. Of course, you’d better not miss too often with this gun as it’s quite difficult to recover from too many errant shots.
- SKU Suppressor Barrel
- M11 6X Sight
- Standard Issue Magazine
- Cobra Grip
The unlockable M44 might not look like much at first, but this revolver actually packs a surprising punch. It’s nearly as powerful as a shotgun at closer ranges and shockingly comes with an optional scope that allows dead eye players to effectively use it at mid-range distances. It’s not going to carry you to victory, but don’t overlook this gun either.
- Factory Barrel
- Raven 4X Sight
- High-Power Magazine
- Factory Mounts