The Ian Gibson column: web comics and pop up blockers

Ian's got a new project to announce. Well, sort of. He's hoping talking about it might spur him into making it happen...

I was taken with the notion to blather on about my favourite artists some more. And, as I’m not one of them, unless I’m in a particularly silly mood, it meant I had to introduce them to you. But plans change and so does my mind. Not as fiercely as the weather maybe. But just as often. đŸ˜‰

So, on an obscure tangent from a previous mention of mobile phones and the possiblity of Annie Droid being translated into Chinese, I thought some talk about comics on the Internet might suffice as a substitute. I have, as usual, an ulterior motive for this… Yes! You guessed it: I’m producing one.

Or at least I’m supposed to be.

My good friend, John Ostrander, who I hope I’ve had the decency to mention before – and if not, shame on me – has spent the last two years producing the first nine pages of script for our new story. He can be forgiven the apparent sluggish output when you take into account his commitment to Star Wars for Dark Horse, his teaching schedule and his own weekly blog on Comicmix. Especially when you understand the complexity of the tangled tale we have woven between us. I’m not sure that I do, so I salute him for his noble efforts.

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The problem at this end of the production line is: inertia. Waiting two years has rather stalled the creative process for me. And I’m being very cruel and manipulative to use you, dear reader/victim, as a springboard for my interest in the project. Consider yourselves ‘inertia solvent’. And liberally applied to the affected area… blah blah… come back and see me in the morning.

So, how does the process work? Not the ‘solvent’! You’ve done your job already! But posting comics on the Internet and hoping to make a dime out of it…? For, as neither John nor I are altruistic quite to the point of self destruction, we do hope that the occasional penny will accrue from our efforts. Such is the way of capitalism in all its glory.

Well, the site in question is hoping that it can convince you, the browsing public, to turn off your sacred ‘pop-up blockers’.

Did I feel a shudder shake the foundations? Is the entire readership of DoG trembling at the thought? The odd nervous glance at the browser toolbar to make sure nothing has crept in at the merest mention? Well, that’s their plan. To make revenue from advertising to pay the artists. Hence the requirement concerning browser settings.

I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt on this one, with my fingers so far crossed it’s hard to hold the pencil! But one of these nights, as the song goes, you may find yourself stumbling upon our efforts on So, have pity on poor John and I, and disable your pop-up blocker for just a few minutes while, I hope, you enjoy our tale.

Thanking you in advance.

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(It has to be in advance as I haven’t drawn it yet! But now, thanks to your solvent properties, at least there’s hope! You’ve been a balm for a weary artist.)

Ian Gibson writes more or less every week at Den of Geek – find his last column here.