Link Tank: Sir Kenneth Branagh’s Shakespeare Films, Ranked
Sir Kenneth Branagh's Shakespeare films, coronavirus updates, Netflix, and more in today's Link Tank!
Few actors are as intimate with the works of William Shakespeare as Sir Kenneth Branagh. Here are all of his Shakespeare films, ranked.
“When we think of modern interpretations of the works of William Shakespeare, few actors have had as big an impact as Sir Kenneth Branagh. The Irish writer, director, and actor has been behind some of the strongest entries in cinema’s Shakespearean canon. Trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London (where he now serves as president), Branagh performed with the Royal Shakespeare Company before co-founding the Renaissance Theatre Company in 1987 with David Parfitt.”
Ever wonder why the bumps on the F and J keys on your keyboard exist? There’s a good reason.
“Since kids these days learn to operate computer keyboards almost as soon as they learn to read, there’s quite a bit of variation when it comes to typing methods. If you were trained to type in school or with a software program like Mavis Beacon, however, you’re likely familiar with touch-typing—where your eight fingers rest on keys in the ‘home row’ (A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and the semicolon), your thumbs rest on the spacebar, and you don’t look at your QWERTY keyboard at all.”
There’s never a better time to be a geek than now. This quarantine, however, has truly allowed people to embrace their guilty pleasures.
“Guilty pleasures. Secret shames. Quiet indulgences. Even as nerd culture has come to dominate pop culture at large—where babies Yoda can captivate people who might not have realized they’re still making Star Wars movies, or how Avengers assembled can make people who’ve never touched a comic book weep—we still have our own little special corners of bullshit. The things we usually try and keep away to ourselves.”
Netflix reportedly saw an increase of 15.77 million subscribers in Q1 after coronavirus quarantines.
“The coronavirus pandemic has prompted a record number of Netflix sign-ups. The video streaming service added 15.77 million paid subscribers during the first quarter, right as COVID-19 began forcing entire populations to stay at home. ‘Our membership growth has temporarily accelerated due to home confinement,’ Netflix said in a Tuesday letter to shareholders.”
Coronavirus lockdowns are proving to be awful for people’s mental health. Here’s how to take care of yourself mentally if you’re stuck indoors.
“The onset of Covid-19 drastically changed how many of us live. We now work, eat, date, socialize, and parent differently. Meanwhile, public health authorities can’t pin down an end date for this surreal period of flux. We seem to have entered a new phase of mental fatigue, where things feel a bit bad, all the time.”
Do you know the difference between lager and ale? Chances are, you’ve got it all wrong.
“When it comes to talking about beer, there are no two words that get thrown around as much as “ale” and “lager.” This isn’t strange, since all beer falls into at least one of these categories, but many of us have been taken down a road of miseducation when it comes to distinguishing the pair. But fear not: We’re here to help you understand the differences between the two.”