Supergirl Season 3 Will Finally Give Mon-El an Accurate Costume and it Looks Amazing
Mon-El will wear a red and blue Legion of Superheroes accurate costume when Supergirl Season 3 returns. Check out these new images!
They’re finally going for it!
Since his introduction on Supergirl, Mon-El has been, shall we say, a divisive figure among fans. Whether it was his occasionally regressive views or just the fact that certain segments of the audience felt that maybe Kara belonged with a different love interest in the first place, it’s been a bit of a bumpy ride for Chris Wood’s Mon-El.
But one thing that all of fandom has been able to agree on is that Supergirl has put absolutely no effort into the poor guy’s appearance.
Mon-El spent most of season two in street clothes, and then they gave him a “not even trying” black jumpsuit thing for some action scenes in the latter half of that year. When word got out that Supergirl Season 3 would feature the Legion of Superheroes, well, surely this was a sign that Mon-El would finally get some more exciting duds, right? After all, he’s been hanging out in the 31st Century with a team of metahumans, they must have some fashion sense.
Instead we got…

Well, at least Saturn Girl looked cool.
Anyway, the crushing disappointment of yet another black leather “superhero” costume aside, the show has so far gotten the general spirit of the Legion down pretty well, and Mon-El is far more mature and less irritating than he had been in the past. That’s a small victory.
But we’re about to get a much more significant win. In the upcoming episode “In Search of Lost Time” we’re going to get an incredibly comics-accurate Mon-El costume. And it looks great.

So obviously the red and blue color scheme is right out of the comics, so that’s great. In the comics, Mon-El’s cape was always kind of fastened by two big gold buttons. Here, the cape fasteners look quite a bit like how this universe’s version of Superman wears his cape, so that’s another cool homage to Mon-El’s favorite Kryptonians. Of course, that familiar pentagonal shape is likely his tribute to Kara, though. The high collar is a nice nod to some of his recent comic book designs, too.
Here’s an even better look…

The CW shows have been nailing their superhero designs lately (Barry’s season 3 suit on The Flash is wonderful), and this might be the best one they’ve ever done. It’s got elements of different eras of Mon-El history, from the “Valor” years to more recent comics. The blue highlights and that belt are both really sharp. Some versions of Mon-El’s comic book costume have him in blue trunks, but those clearly aren’t necssary. This is a great, sleek and futuristic superhero costume.
Here’s the official synopsis for the episode for a little more context:
“When Myr’nn (guest star Carl Lumbly) inadvertently causes psychic disturbances at the DEO, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) must work with J’onn (David Harewood) to contain the resulting chaos. Meanwhile, Mon-El (Chris Wood) begins training Kara in fighting techniques he’s learned in the future for battling Worldkillers.”
“In Search of Lost Time” airs on April 23.