Supernatural: Reichenbach review

"Reichenbach" is about as good as any episode of Supernatural has ever been. Here's Bridget's review...

This Supernatural review contains spoilers.

The second episode of the season doesn’t pull its punches. We get to see three main storylines for Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Castiel is made aware that Dean is a demon. Let’s expect emotional trauma the next time they meet.

“Reichenbach” opens on a flashback. The New Guy, Cole, explains that he is after Dean because Dean killed his father. This was accomplished with Ruby’s knife in the flashback, so we can assume Cole’s dear Dad was possessed at the time.

There’s a weird age gap (or lack thereof) between the Winchesters and Cole. Is it possible for Dean to have looked the same in that flashback, if Cole claims the incident happened when he was thirteen years old? In real life this actor is only three years younger than Jensen Ackles, and we know we can’t base TV off of reality. But the main discrepancy with this story is the fact that Dean is using Ruby’s knife, which was only acquired about 7 years ago. That makes Cole 20 years old.

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Then again, maybe Cole is lying about the whole thing.

Poor Sam has been kidnapped and tied up so many times that he’s got escape down to a science. Good for you, Sammy. There’s a comparison between Dean punching a bouncer and Sam being punched by Cole. Quick edits punctuated by groans and “Sweet Cherry Pie” make it a dynamic scene with conflicting emotions.

Castiel gets all the heartbreak moments of the episode. When he defends his friendship with the Winchesters to Hannah, he says, “They are the best men I’ve ever known…and they’re my friends.” Later he falls asleep in the tow truck driver’s house—a woman, by the way, which is awesome– and strikes up a conversation with her daughter about her snot rocket dream. I love these humanizing scenes for Castiel. I also love the fact that I wrote a sentence about a snot rocket dream.

Is Crowley forcing the bromance between himself and Dean? Dean doesn’t seem interested. During a sudden power struggle between Dean and Crowley, he reinforces the relationship aspect by ending their bromance with: “It’s not me, it’s you.” Crowley sounds hurt. He was lonely and wanted a friend. Aw.

Dean doing the demon eye-flick is creepy. His mild enjoyment later when he’s gut-stabbing Lester is even more unsettling. Demon Dean is an unusual sort of character. He’s not a good guy, and he’s not exactly the demon friend that Crowley had hoped for. The Mark converted Dean into a demon, sure, but he’s not one to be controlled by the King of Hell. There’s no other being like Dean in the world, which is probably what a lot of his one night stands would say. Did I go there? I think I did.

When Inigo Montoya—I mean, Cole– goes head to head with Dean, he gets his pride shattered by being unable to get his revenge. This will not be the end of this guy. He’s on his way to becoming even more crazy and obsessive,  especially now that he will apply his knowledge of Dean being a demon. Time for him to load up on Holy Water and biblical lore.

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Sam’s not driving nondescript cars anymore. He’s trucking around in an old Ford. By the end of the episode the boys are in the Impala again, which Sam remarks is filthy. Dean has really let his baby go since his soul-removal. And it is fitting that in this uncomfortably familiar setting, marred by filthy change, that Dean remarks how he’ll apply his “no mercy” sensibilities on Sam next.

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5 out of 5