Tamara Carrion
Tamara is a bit of a jack of geek trades. She has a love for many hobbies and so dips around in many areas. Tamara has spent most of her youth reading Manga, watching imported Naruto fansubs before the US really picked up on it (ie: Cartoon Network), playing and collecting games (both local to the states and Japanese imports) and almost anything related to zombies. As she got older and started to earn her own money, Tamara pretty much invested everything into growing the list of things that intrigued her.
Tamara has converted many folk into manga/anime lovers. Death Note is a great way to get someone into both!
Now Tamara works as a Game Analyst by day for a major game publisher and at night spends all her free time doing the things she loves most. She even named all of her pets to reflect my personality! Tamara's two cats are named after the Anime characters Super Milk Chan and Naruto. She also has a pup named Pixel.
Tamara has been a member of Crunchyroll since March of 2011 and a fan even before that.