Laura Hardgrave

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Laura is a freelance video game journalist and MMORPG addict. She spends a whole lot of time tanking big snarly things for her friends, exploring new games (and subsequently getting lost a lot), and thinking up new fodder for huge editorials. Her writing can also be found at Junkies Nation-- a gaming/geek-centric site which she happens to be the Editor-in-Chief of. When not diving into random games or writing about them, she can be found writing LGBT science fiction/fantasy. Her first novel, Captive by the Fog, was published in 2012.
Her all-time favorite games? World of Warcraft (she still plays!), RIFT, Ragnarok Online, WildStar, The Secret World, The Last of Us, Final Fantasy VI, VII, and X, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age Origins, Diablo II, and Chrono Cross/Trigger.
You can find more of her writing at her personal site.